
This is more appropriate for sending your car to the junkyard.

Can anybody name a video game movie that wasn't utter crap?

Pretty sure that's a Lambo, dude

Was gonna get wound up, but Cockatiel!

Yes, yes, I know about the Unix family tree, the split between Bell Labs/AT&T's branch and Berkeley's fork. For expediency I just lump them all together in light conversation.

Looks like you could fit an iPad in that enormous dead space in the center console ;)

And the only good version of Linux is Mac OS

And threepio, the effeminite butler

Udder disappointment.

Without a locking diff: one wheel spins. It's like a limited slip on crack; limited slips, as the name implies, allow a little bit of wheel slip before locking the two wheels on an axle together.

Blanda Oddity

God I hate CNet car reviews. Utter trendy douchebags.

The Bill of Rights speaks of freedom of assembly (to protest the government) and freedom of association.

Had to look up article 11 (since the bill of rights only had 10 amendments). You would be speaking of the European Convention on Human Rights, not the US Constitution. I guess you're right, I didn't know the European Convention on Human Rights was part of my constitution.

If the employees disagree they are free to quit and find another job. They are not slaves.

Since "right to organize" is a communist principle and so is collective bargaining, please tell me where the constitution says that...

We needed unions in 1920. Not now. Unions only seek power for themselves, and are a parasitic drain on the contract between an employer and and employee. That's right, "workers" (communist term) are not slaves and are free to quit to find a better job.

And that porn-stache... It's like Hulk Hogan and a chihuahua got together...

I'm wondering if there were any Peyton Manning edition trucks sold in Indy, and how one would feel driving around in one of those today...