
Hmm, the cellophane seal on my last Mac Mini, shipped directly from Apple, was broken...

Definitely do it... It's sub-titled and around 50's vintage, but as you watch you will see so much of Star Wars in it, the influence is undeniable. Two bumbling villagers (influence for R2 and 3PO) seek out to hire Ronin - disgraced Samurai - to defend their village from marauders.

Politicians and corporations are IN CONTROL OF THE SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM and all the other systems of control as well.

Well, Seven Samurai was very obviously a huge influence for SW: IV...

I watched the first Clone Wars series

Damn you, anamorphic lenses

Now playing

In the end I was disappointed in the two sequels because I really bought into the deep thought aspects, nature of reality, plato's cave, twists upon twists... And then interject the Animatrix as a teaser — and especially the prelude to the story "The Second Renaissance".

I have a theory that George Lucas was killed by the CIA and replaced with a body double around 1990. Don't forget how the original SW trilogy has been made worse and worse since the Special Edition.

Very often these film criticisms are NOT about snickering about communication and production... In fact as exemplified by the Plinkett reviews by RLM they acknowledge the hard work and blood/sweat of the production crew... It's the retarded inept screenwriting and failure to adhere to good practices of basic

Hmm, I'd rather Indy just be indestructible in the first place, then, and spare the pretense of needing to escape danger.

Doc... Ock?

Just as the SW prequels forever ruined so much of SW, Crystal Skull has ruined Indy. Heck, most people can just leave the SW prequels as a poorly executed, wasted opportunity. Crystal Skull was just plain tragic.

Love Archer, but they got the "...and also" bit from Futurama. Maybe it's a nod.

Imagine T-Rex had a bright orange cheek spot.

Let me guess, hunt and peck...

This is more appropriate for sending your car to the junkyard.

Be careful what you wish for

Hmm, modify the mythos so that Wayne Enterprises created Skynet, and insert Batman Beyond storyline...