
We will again.

And completely missed people with their faces stuck in smartphones. Time for a remake of part 2.

You know, I caught BTTF on AMC this morning, enjoyed it as usual.

If you're looking for permanently accessible movies you "own", Vudu is a better option. Works with Ultraviolet from new discs, and you can upgrade your DVDs and Blus cheap.

Even with brands that seem to be here to stay and still on the market you can be burned. My wife had a Kia minivan she bought used and it was always a pain for places other than the dealer (which was not nearby) to get parts.

How does a species evolve to mimic a flower? Evolution says that small random mutations happen and ones that improve the species make it better than other mutations (or non-mutated originals), its advantage makes it dominant and it reproduces more because of this advantage. You don't see species that don't prey on

Can China just land next to one of the Apollo sites and send pictures so we can end this? Or are the Chinese in on the conspiracy too?

How does one finger draw two parallel lines? FAKE

Obama is a better celebrity than he is a president...

I believe in evolution, but this is precisely an argument in favor of creationism. How the hell does an animal randomly evolve a specific camouflage like this?

My first job out of college was working for UPS's IT in the early 90s. They even sent US out in suits and ties in our personal cars to deliver packages in a snowstorm one year.

Now playing

Or maybe they are arming themselves this way to implement "better" gun control — i.e. a monopoly on force.

Or lobsters

M&Ms are all the same flavor, just different colors. Or are you saying a red chocolate M&M tastes different than a blue chocolate M&M?

Howard did drive at one point, I vividly remember a rant in the mid to late 90s, probably when he was running for Governor, about traffic jams and he yelled at some caller about how great powerful fast cars are and you need to know the thrill of a Corvette at your command and the engine rumbling. Somewhere around

Such potential, but then she makes the Michael Bay Optimus... Such disappoint.

Matt Groening is from the Pac NW...