
I nominate Das Uniblinker, with honorable mention for the 4/4 - 2/4 - 0/4 fuel gauge.

In the Porker family, Das Uniblinker and the 2/4 fuel gage

I remember the Loral Aerospace scandal from the 90s as well as the JPL scandals, agreed it's nothing new and nobody took it seriously.

all they do is copy

Always bugged me in the down position, like they were signaling incoming UFOs.

Let's take a step back for a minute, folks.

Wow, I missed that. Doesn't help I don't like T3. Is it deleted footage?

In case I wasn't being clear, I was talking about myself.

Didn't James Hansen already try that? He left NASA after getting lambasted for his political activism and his involvement in the various climate change scandals (East Anglia, et al). Critics can argue that, like most researchers looking for grants and funding, he overplayed his hand on the issue in order to get more

We're a few decades late to the party.

The good news is that when you leave academia bio/pharma is a huge profitable industry.

By "focus on education" I hope you mean tearing it down and starting over, right? Because with all we spend now on education our test scores have steadily declined over the decades, math and science rankings are at the bottom of the industrialized world, our engineering schools are filled with foreign students, our

Give me my free stuff!!!!1!!

Speak for yourself. Some people work for more than a paycheck. Some people follow passion.

I have to disagree — it will change the course of humanity whether there is a humanoid visitor to shake hands with, or not.

Now playing

I knew this was going to be a lot of Hamburger Helper when they had an extended musical number by the Dwarves inside Bilbo's hovel. Seriously, that was like 10 minutes of singing. Felt like even the actors couldn't believe it went on for that long.

What, no Admiral Bonetopick or Captain Nefarious?

The music is Total Recall not T2