
What if we're the ones who will evolve into the superior life form?

Water vapor is a greenhouse gas. Is it poisonous?

Excellent writeup for the young'uns.

You don't have Yugo's story in context.

Time to invest in transporters...

Wait until they are used to kill poor people.

Somewhere out there, these people are still around... "What ever happened to..."?

If they didn't censor TV and internet, that is...

Hmm, remember when almost exactly 2 years ago a US drone was hijacked and landed safely in Iran?


Noooo, not the MerSaturn.

Chicks dig the fwd?



I have to say it's miles better than some of the garbage it competed with at the time, such as the Citation and Cimmaron, and my memory says Escort and Tempo/Topaz as well.

God I can't believe I'm old enough to remember when this was a new thing... I think the logic was that it was better to be hidden away rather than taking up space in the cabin. There were a few that were hidden in the glove compartment, but this is way before the days of the slim trayless multidisc systems. I think

Have them on my CLS550. These paddles do not shift gear, upon a flick they go into negotiations with Kofi Annan about possibly thinking about shifting gears after studying a proposal in committee. I can't tell you how often I try to engine brake by downshifting and I nearly crash into the car in front of me waiting

Works out to $30 if you get it from amazon.co.uk directly.

You can get it on DVD/Blu by ordering through amazon.co.uk, using your amazon.com account.