
Amazing that this same country gives us Top Gear... Which just shows how radical that show is in its home country.

Ever seen a grown man naked?

Ugh. F the Raisins

Didn't take any chances??? Gone are the round taillights... Vents everywhere.

It has been a while, admittedly... Early 90s?

Wow, that's a lot of vowels in that headline

I still watch it every week but I spend most of the time yelling at the TV and rolling my eyes. And fast forwarding through Pat Goss. Come to think of it, I'm not sure WHY I still watch it every week.

Meh, they went off the rails in season 5 with the future invasion (and frankly were kind of lost in season 4). Should have ended in 4.

I was shocked the first time I went to DC. It's a very poor place and it's only industry is Government for the most part. Poor people flock to the city looking for crumbs from the powerful.

It's a reference to "No Taxation without Representation", a slogan that popped up in the 1750s as the colonists were getting fed up with the British. The Crown was collecting more and more taxes yet the colonies were not represented in British Parliament and thus were 2nd class citizens. Many of the founding

Please let Philly take the UN then

Wow, what a gigantic F U. (as if the beast wasn't already one)

I'm a big guy/fat-ass and I can fit in most cars with good side bolstering. My DD has decent side bolstering and it's not a problem.

Actually the seats are flimsy... Watch Clarkson in any of his reviews, every time he works the shifter the seat back flexes.

Self-healing mimetic polyalloy.

Well, we already have shiny marketing flyers at the dealership, and window stickers. So why do we need Motorweek?

It would be overwhelming, certainly — and now I'm thinking about how the deck is stacked against American citizens in ways other than the military — Echelon, warrantless wiretaps, illegal search and seizure, detaining citizens indefinitely (thanks, Patriot Act), etc, all things that make it super easy for the

Mmm, bear claws...

The mindset is defending their home, their property, their family. They are worried about having their things confiscated by an oppressive government and being dragged off to a labor camp. As for their fellow citizens, they are worried about looting.