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Actually, force was involved in Hitler's rise to power (or more accurately, his maintenance of it). Hitler had to create the SS, essentially his personal military, as a threat to the army, as he was always (rightfully) concerned about a military coup.

I suppose I'd rather be shot on the doorstep of my house defending it than worked to death at a forced labor camp or gassed. #FEMACAMPS

Oh hai

Oh hai

So, about this war in Afghanistan, it ended in about a half an hour, right? Also Vietnam called.

Yeah, why would a group of ill-trained farmers and peasants with no Navy think they could take on the best trained military in the world?

Ah, thank you, woofer. I was thinking Twitter and I had no idea what Sackbut was.

Some advice...

Zing! And true.

yeah it happens once a decade, what's the big deal? Where's my Kim Kardashian story?

Wow, ironic that the anti-captialist gang's car of choice is now the poster child of the yuppie.

It was the beginning of that trend, in the early 90s. Way back when, at least in the states, when an offroader was a Jeep Wrangler, the Jeep Grand Cherokee and Ford Explorer were the beginning of this. Now today in hindsight a ZJ or that gen Explorer would be good offroaders but it was the beginning of civilizing

So a lightweight V8 that puts out 450hp and gets 30mpg isn't impressive?

I'd point to the boat tail and the fender ridges

So, Japanese luxury and British mechanical dependability, then?

In this case, Nero

You're basing your opinion on a C3? That would be like me basing my opinions of German cars on an old VW Beetle.

This right here is the problem. WHO GIVES A FLYING FRAK about HP/L? This is the place to start with reeducation.

Younger kids are pretty much disinterested in all American cars... All the stereotypes are what they will claim — leafsprings (even though not the kind they think), pushrod, cheap interior... All things that are turnoffs to them.

I agree that a lot of CEOs reap ridiculous rewards while screwing their company over and driving it into the ground. However, when you look at someone like Steve Jobs, can you really deny him the rewards of all the blood and sweat, the hundred hour weeks, the obsession and drive? Fact is a lot of these guys pour