
And don't get me started on an "ounce" being a unit of volume AND a unit of weight

Either that or don't name currencies after units of weight in the first place.

You can buy from http://www.amazon.co.uk/Gear—The-Worst-History-World-Blu-ray/dp/B008WANV42/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1353681273&sr=8-2 and it links to your native country amazon account... I'm a nerd, I collect the discs...

Likely, also possible just support, supplies, and other materials.

Racetracks are already endangered species — taking up acres of valuable real estate that can be turned into condos, and there are always neighbors complaining about noise pollution and the riff-raff the track attracts. I hate to say it, but anybody remember drive in movies? That's the fate of tracks in the future.

Yes, because we should just settle for slag like MotorWeek

And oh, wait until they mandate that you have to have a new car... Between Cash for Clunkers and Obummercare being held up, it's coming.

Problem: People are shitty, inattentive drivers.

I want to ban French mayors. Just in general.

Because by the 80s the 928 was intended to replace the 911 and the 944 Turbo was pretty much the performance equal of the 911 Turbo at half the price.

A lot of people think styling went off the rails with the bangle butt and flame surfacing, ruining a timeless look; and the 3 series has become more and more bloated every generation.

Oh and since you're so worried about what critics of this so-called aesthetic drive, I drive 4 cars including an $80k CLS550

It's aesthetic makeup and dark glasses. I'm lolling at people who like lipstick on pigs. It's a cheap gimmick like spoilers, daytime running lights, or alteezas. It's an aesthetic step BACKWARDS dressing up trendy and/or bland designs that will be forgotten in 3 years.

Terrible trendy crap, I'd rather see popup headlights come back.

Popup headlights! Squeee!

So what's the Apple equivalent of side blades and eyeliner?

Even more clever that his friends Hammond and May actually DO drive Porsches.

I have a 2000 Pontiac Trans Am whose battery goes flat within 2-3 weeks so I keep it on a battery tender... Alarm systems, et al.

How big is the Enterprise again? Nobody cares enough to even decide.

He got his start as a writer on the Simpsons and then when David Letterman left NBC to go head to head with the Tonight Show (in the aftermath of Johnny Carson retiring and Jay Leno getting the job after much back-stabbery), Conan got Letterman's old show after the Tonight Show.