
Many of us enthusiasts embrace new technology just fine — we're not all fans of carbureated, solid axle, leaf spring, drum brake muscle cars although they have their place.

What's really missing out on the scorn here is the paddle shifted auto slushbox.

I learned in my mid 30's... Didn't think it was that big of a deal, not that I was against it. So few cars are made with manuals (what the stat on Corvettes, more than 80% are automatics)? Look around on lease trader for cars with manuals, there are virtually none.... Find a manual Mercedes-Benz...

So is the backup car a Kennedy paint scheme?

Is he "deadlocked" trying to find the 1973 model?

This... And I spend 3+ hours a day commuting.

As in Egypt and Libya? Excuse us if we've heard this before, and recently, and are skeptical.

Did you watch "Black Hawk Down"? Do you think landing an injured chopper saves you from these vermin who have no honor? It gets you beaten to death and your corpse dragged through the streets.

I've worked for several failed startups. None of them were funded by the government.

Well at least it's not the $1.6 billion Jon Coritzone disappeared with at MF'er Global; nobody went to jail, nobody's assets were seized.

"Why is government pissing away my tax dollars on private enterprises?"

It's very challenging and stressful. And it requires very good spatial awareness.

It was the best car in the world... Until it wasn't.

How about in the NY metro area? There used to be an offroad park called "Paragon Adventure Park" out route 80 in Pennsylvania but it's been turned into an airport last I heard.

Needs an alignment

What is with the circular saw blade on the right?

They also sacrifice headroom in order to achieve that roofline. I can't get my head inside without turning around 90 degrees and falling backwards into the seat with my spine arched. Which kind of ruins the "looking classy" bit.

And not just cars, but everything visible/conspicuous. God help you if you have an off-branded sneaker or store-brand anything. Listen to rap sometime and take note of the prominence of brand names.

Here's where you are wrong. I live in a very wealthy area now, and when I was younger I lived in poor to middle class areas. I saw more BMWs/Mercs in the poor neighborhoods than I do in the wealthy ones.

what's your budget?