
Also because, y’know (not to spoil anything), Hellboy was last seen in Hell.

People often mistake the difficulty of becoming a doctor with the job having some sort of innate morality. It doesn’t.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who caught that.

That professor might also not actually exist. The whole story feels too much like those dumb forwarded emails my relatives send me about good Christians schooling the atheist professor.

One hopes, but yet, Kotaku exists.

Which is kind of why they consciously branded themselves as such, I believe, but I don’t want to wade into the malarial waters of reddit and the other internet fever swamps to find out if it’s true.

Hell, that’s higher than Hannity’s IQ.

Hah, I fell for that too. :( Womp womp.

Yeah, I disagree. As a musician, you’re pretty acutely aware of who the press is and who isn’t, especially when you’re being dragged by your publicist to an interview. With a journalist. Who introduces herself as a journalist. There is no musician alive that doesn’t know when they’re being interviewed, especially on a

Miles Kane is pretty lowly-regarded in the UK Press as a weirdo, creeper, ripoff artist, so I’m not surprised.

I am shocked. SHOCKED.

My guess is, if they’re into colloidal silver, they probably have loony pseudo-alchemical ideas about heavy metals.

I think the real conspiracy here is how someone managed to turn a Coast-to-Coast AM episode into real life. They’re all crisis actors!1!*

I know! Talk about burying the lede there.

Don’t large families have an effect on climate change as well? Yeesh.

Sonic the Hedgehog fan-fiction.

I’ve seen Soviet dentistry first hand. Believe you me, they sure could have used some fluoridation in the Sovietsky Soyuz, tovarish.

Are they ever going to finish the Hellboy in Hell arc they started? It looks like Mignola wrote himself into a bit of a corner.

Replicants are supposed to be biological, aren’t they? Wasn’t that one of the main points of both versions of Blade Runner? That the replicants were not much different, if different at all, from those sent to kill them? That’s hardly an artificial intelligence, even by stretching the definition.

Heh, I was waiting for a Blue Line once at rush hour at from Chicago going towards O’hare, when one pulls up with a totally empty car. Not thinking what this means at rush hour, I and a few people immediately rush in. It’s not until the doors close that the smell hits me. And then the sounds. One lady shrieks and I