
How much do you want to bet they are subsequently punished for free bleeding all over their cells and/or prison issued uniform? 

I miss BCO so much right now.

Sure, but regulation killed poison makers’ jobs.

This is my big dork. He just had an emergency sleenectomy and was near dead and the emergency vets wanted to put him to sleep, but I knew he had some fight left in him. I drug all almost 200 pounds of his nonrponsive self all the way across my house (I couldn’t get in touch with ANYONE- including pet taxis or

It’s Alternative Policing.

Oh sure, like you’ve never earned 300K from helping a hostile dictator!

Yeah, but if you stop running you can be caught. So not real funny.

Another woke little dude. Saw this on twitter.

I think Trump has found his Secretary of Education.

This is a fucked up comment. There’s no reason to say this.

I’m working on it. :) I had a breakthrough yesterday in a similar vain. I said to myself that I will NOT let the bastards grind me down and take away the joy I get from sex with my beloved partner!

Yeah, you want to kill your family and friends, that’s your business. The general public, however... That’s a whole other kettle of raw fish.

I’m sick :( but my husband made carrot ginger soup from scratch, took care of the kids so I could sleep all afternoon, and is currently taking out all the garbage that has accumulated due to me being ill.

You could get a cat. My cat frequently grabs my feet and bites me without my consent, so I pick him up and kiss his head until he squirms away with expressions of great disdain and irritation. It’s kind of a consent-free zone that goes both ways up until I get hurt, and then we part ways for an hour or two.

Mankind as a whole needs Trump and people like him to go well below 10% worldwide. As a species, we really could use some growing up and leaving behind this kind of mentality.

Moe’s tampon story is the 1000% grossest story in Jez history. I will never ever get over it.

Everyone says stay home when you’re sick.... Till you try to call in when you’re sick.

This man was murdered and the cop who did this should spend a long time in jail. The police in NY/NJ did their jobs well this weekend, managing to apprehend an armed domestic terror suspect alive (though injured) so he can be brought to justice, but Shelby was apparently too afraid of an unarmed black man with a

As a man, I have a great idea.
If women would like to be heard more in the workplace, when one woman makes a point, the other women in the room should reiterate the idea and credit the initial speaker.

If none of the weapons-grade yakshit and jackassery has burst their bubble up to now, what could possibly exist in their future that’s potent enough to do so? No, Dr. Oz will die believing he’s basically good, and Trump’s death rattle will be a tremendous affirmation of his success. Huge. The best you’ll ever hear. So