
It drives me crazy when people argue that they need military-style guns to keep off the government. The U.S. government, which spends billions and billions of dollars on things far more lethal than guns. When people claim they’re defending themselves against the government, I always want to say IF THEY WANT TO TAKE

Yes, with a gun. A gun he no doubt bought in America from an American gun seller. But SOMEHOW, if you are a terrorist who uses a gun, the destruction and horror you cause has nothing to do with guns. Guns are irrelevant. We can’t not sell guns to terrorist because it will “tip them off.” Somehow, this guy believes it

Maybe “My brother’s/sister’s child”?

Ok, good. Just want you to know that when a wolf spider dropped from the ceiling onto my chest when I was in the bathtub... I didn’t kill it. After all the screaming and flinging and jumping up and cursing and drying off and getting dressed, I caught the fucker in a plastic drinking glass and put it outside.

Stink bugs are #22; does that include the green kind that bite people? ‘Cause those should have a category of their own much lower down.

Well, there are spiders and then there are black widows and brown recluses that can kill you and stuff. I think it’s ok to kill something that can kill you first.

Come on, be reasonable. Just put him in a fire for 20 minutes.

I thought maybe he was afraid the little girl would sexually assault him, so it was self-defense!

Because trans people do not have families? I know he meant “parents with children = families” but... I am so tired of people saying “my special situation deserves allowances and exceptions to the rules, because it’s real, and important, and moral in the sight of God, but those OTHER people’s special situation is fake

That’s because Obama hadn’t yet forced people with broken arms to use bathrooms. NOW it’s a problem!

Stupid, she left those in Benghazi.

You misunderestimate the elevance of anti-grammarly in this country.

Yours are girl ones. The devil only lives in girl boobs, duh.

Wow. That’s GOT to be painful. What do you use for hemorrhoid cream? Vats of super-expensive mayonnaise mixed with liquid gold, I’m guessing. That’s what I would use.

Yes, it’s ok once you just accept that “I am a bad daughter and I’m ok with that.” It helps me that I have a sister who is also a bad daughter. Siblings who understand are a godsend, and so are internet strangers who understand!

Well, in the story the respected religious people crossed the street and walked on by; it was only the despised, inferior Samaritan who stopped. So maybe this guy did live up to the story after all.

Evidently there was supposed to be a footnote on that Good Samaritan story in the Gospels. It was supposed to say, “Psyche! Totally don’t do this ever!” But some socialist Bible-printer left it out for spite.

The good thing is that usually grandmothers don’t have the same power as mothers. My mother has said some really hurtful things to my niece and nephews and they just concluded, “Grandma’s crazy; ignore her.” I mean, they came to that when they were, like, 12! It took me several therapists and decades to grasp it! I

Well, I didn’t say it was ok, just that children are often forced to come and go or behave in certain ways by their parents, and society at large thinks that’s fine. Same with people being arrested.

Aside from being arrested, or an interaction between a parent and a child... I’m having difficulty finding an example of a purely social interaction that one party doesn’t have the right to opt out of. What examples are you thinking about?