
In the New Yorker article linked in a post above, it says: “David Adams, a co-founder of Emerge, told me that abusers seldom appear to be angry people, because they reserve their anger for the partner or the partner’s immediate family. ‘The average batterer is more likable than his victim, because domestic violence

Yep, I was thinking about Buck Angel PEEING NEXT TO YOUR VIRGIN DAUGHTER. I guess that’s the idea, yeah.

All the proofreaders were busy reading the bathroom walls to make sure no trans people wrote on them, or, if they did, that they only wrote messages germane to their birth-assigned genders. KILROY WAS HERE must not be written by anyone the doctors thought was a girl!

The weird thing is that many of the laws are not cast as being about transpeople. They are about cis people (well, cis men) PRETENDING to be trans so they can “dress up like a woman and assault my daughter.”Like that has been a big fear for people all this time.... and ALL the men have been just looking for a chance

How do these laws affect intersex people? Not everybody falls cleanly into a “biological gender” and we don’t have special bathrooms for people who don’t.

But he totally looks like a Pete.

They should all have Game of Thrones names.

Look, it’s not like the Supreme Court or a presidential election or something. Double Creature is a serious business and entering it with less-than-pure intentions—it’s just WRONG.

Uncatty AND uncanny. Canine-y, though.

If these representatives make any kind of salary, I suggest the state stop printing the paychecks so God can pay them instead!

Well, what I read is that it was a case of “verbal aggression.” So, name calling, maybe? Even threats? But nothing physical until the cop started beating up the kid. So yeah, some of the things you suggested seem a lot more appropriate.

They have to investigate all the possibilities! Like, the kid could be a dangerous alien from another planet just pretending to be a human girl. Or she could have super-human powers, like that kid in the Twilight Zone who could “disappear” everyone (man, do I wish that were true!). That stuff would totally justify the

Desperately Seeking Susan. I fell for him then.

Not both at the same time, surely?

I will quote a guy I knew in high school who was a big, big drug user, and who was advising me on which hallucinogenics to try: “You can’t sleep when you’re on acid, but you can on mushrooms. Also if your mom calls, with mushrooms you can act straight.”

The cat looks to be wearing more eyeliner than Christina; otherwise it’s ok. I give it a B-.

Thanks. That was heartbreaking.

Come on, it’s a mute point.

It was driving?

Yes, the hands freaked me out more than the face—I’ve seen human-looking doll faces before, but the hands in that picture are clearly human. I was wondering if the AG people had started making little androids or something.