Thank you, that was the funniest thing in this whole post/thread. And your Bossy cat is adorable. I mean, not as cute as mine, but very close!
Thank you, that was the funniest thing in this whole post/thread. And your Bossy cat is adorable. I mean, not as cute as mine, but very close!
Still better than Caramel Lady!
He may have gone looking for you on FB. That happened to a friend of mine in a very benign way; someone she knew from her childhood looked her up but didn’t make a friend request, and Facebook put that person in her “you may know” queue.
My cat always acts like I’ve done something unspeakably disgusting and immoral when I sneeze. If they ever start to genetically re-engineer us in our sleep, our ability to sneeze may be the first thing to go.
But it’s not a zero-sum game. White people are better off if Black children become scientists, writers and teachers instead of being incarcerated at a young age or killed by somebody’s gun. We have no idea what we may have lost—a Black child may have grown up to cure cancer or solve climate change but instead was…
Take a poll of daughters with vengeful, violent fathers. Those fathers are not necessarily right and are pretty much never helpful to those daughters.
Everyone understands your feelings. And hopefully nothing like this will ever happen. But if it ever should, God forbid, please let your response be about your daughters, not you. They will just end up even more sick and in despair if they think they were the cause of you committing a crime or even just being violent.…
Yeah, I didn’t get that either. It doesn’t look like a verb, for sure, but there isn’t that much need for a noun. “There is klittra here”?
Ah, I get it. I have a friend whose brother refused to speak to her for about two years because she got a Ph.D., which he always meant to have but never got. Similar dynamics, I guess, when people track their life’s progress by comparing it to their siblings’ accomplishments.
Just guessing here. When a good mother suddenly goes bad I’ve noticed that it often is tapping into some fear she has for her child based on her own bad experiences or choices she wishes she’d made differently. So, say, some man she loved left her when she needed him and she is afraid that your fiance might leave you…
Yes, is it now super-original to name them Linda or Debbie? Susan? Kathy? When I was a child my classrooms were full of them but now I can find nary a toddler-aged Debbie or Linda.
That is so unbelievably obnoxious. I wish it were possible to reply to people like that, “when are you going to get a new job/get your kids into counseling/dump your cheating spouse/[whatever other thing you think they need to do to improve their lives]?
More advice from an Internet stranger: I had a co-worker whose wife got acupuncture treatments after several years of them trying to conceive without success (including various fertility treatments). She got pregnant right away. I have no idea how that worked, but some people say it does ...something.
That is bizarre. She’s not, like, in love with her brother/your husband, is she? I mean we’ve read about that kind of thing before here on Jezebel...
Yeah, find a way to reverse the heat with progesterone. Possibly we could inject it into the sun...? At least make the meteorologists tell us that we COULD!
Only if you can find a way to make it bad for women, because that’s on the checklist. Right at the top, I believe.
Besides all these other things already posted, maybe try taking some Vitamin C and a Vitamin B complex before drinking. I’ve heard alcohol depletes them both.
Did you get liver damage or what? I think Tylenol is kind of the devil, really, because of what it does to people’s livers. They should just give us morphine for God’s sake.
Here’s one I found recently: activated charcoal tablets. Take them with you when you drink and swallow three of four before you start, or in the middle if you start feeling bad. Activated charcoal mops up poison from your body and bad liquor-feelings come from when you liver is in the process of detoxifying the liquor…
Besides the food and water thing, I always made a rule to never get super-drunk on a night where I had to get up early (or at all) the next morning. If you can sleep it off, you’ll do a lot better.