You can throw up as long as you give Waka Flocka credit for it. And I will hold your hair if you don’t mind me jumping in the time machine with it.
You can throw up as long as you give Waka Flocka credit for it. And I will hold your hair if you don’t mind me jumping in the time machine with it.
You better squad up then.
Well, now, we have learned that “Squad up” and “SquaDD” are not the same. If we go into a nightclub full of 20-somethings, we should just keep saying that, over and over, until they accept us into their Youth Tribe.
I read the headline about six times without any comprehension whatsoever. And I was trying.
I was thinking droogs in brogues.
Women are shamed and scolded and damn near punched in the face by perfect strangers any time they so much as publicly look at alcohol while pregnant. So I think the limit is pretty solid, actually.
Still counts, though!
I keep thinking of the book Black Like Me, where the white journalist made himself look black in...I don’t remember, Alabama or Mississipi, in the 1950s. He had begun thinking “oh it can’t really be as bad as these black people are saying; I’ve lived in the South all my life and I haven’t seen white people do all…
But then it is the same. Caitlyn did NOT grow up with the learned/experienced reality of being a girl. Gender identify is very much a cultural thing and I am confused that at first you seem to be saying that it’s only a physical thing (which if true would mean that Bruce Jenner was always a boy/man) and then you say…
It was aimed at her, though; the person speaking just didn’t know that. If someone says something like “I hate how all those Hispanic people are illegal immigrants taking citizens’ jobs and they should all be deported or put in jail,” they may not understand that they are saying that to a Hispanic person, but how…
Mick doesn’t like baths, he likes to drink flowing water off his own body.
I think you just have to get the Go Fund Me link on as many social media sites as possible. I hope everything works out!
So they thought someone had gone in and glued an extra rib on all the men? Those godless feminazis strike again, this time armed with fake ribs.
If so I hope it’s the pink version. That’s the special Ladies’ Bible. It’s ten dollars more but the print is bigger because reading is hard work for us girls!
I sure hope you slapped theirs right back. Real hard.
If there aren’t, humans aren’t the race I think we are. I’m guessing there are some in every century. It seems like something Louis XIV’s people would spend time making, doesn’t it?
Yeah, how to keep your teeth out of the activity is worth a whole chapter by itself. And, gentlemen, you WANT us to read that chapter.
I almost wept when I read that quoted sentence above. Why is this SUCH a thing? Every man I’ve ever been with did the opposite. PLEASE DON’T STOP always resulted in either a change of pace, or a complete change of technique.
Even better: two. Power in numbers and don’t women always feel worse when groups of men are catcalling?
She’s not going to be able to sell it as anything unless she can debunk the debunking. The reviews on Amazon are going down very fast; about half because of the lying and half because they say it’s a really crappy book.