Nihongo Hanashimasen.

thank you for this, I’m not crazy. When I watched it live, I was really weirded out by it. Like, why was he casually trying to stir up trouble for Whoopi? Whoopi handled it well. But it made me dislike him...even more. Dude seems like he’s on the edge of crazy. 

OMG, the eyebrows when “negros” came out on the white guy... this has helped. And then being happy about the Chappelle reference? Thank you.

I fully appreciate that Fran Drescher is apparently like, “we’re both beautiful women with solid comedic timing and distinctive NY accents — why stick to The Nanny canon, when we’re a match made in heaven?”

OH I thought she was so beautiful, and soooo glamorous!


That would be CSI: SS.

I’m with you, and I’ve been known to enjoy a Tarantino movie or two (I love Jackie Brown, but that’s probably owed to Elmore Leonard as much as it is to Tarantino)

NCIS: SSU (Secret Six Unit)

Making it a group of secret agents would fit in well the the CBS wheelhouse. That put’s it closer to MacGyver and NCIS:LLcoolJ

Fran Drescher served lewk after lewk on that dang show and I for one don’t think people truly appreciated her enough.

I saw those photos on Beyoncé’s Instagram and didn’t realise that was her dad. I even read the caption about loved ones and was like “well he must be close to her somehow....” but I totally didn’t recognize him with less hair and mustache.

Fran and Maxwell married in the penultimate season finale, had twins in the last season, and moved to LA in the series finale. Cardi as their daughter makes little to no sense. She’d work better as Val’s daughter/niece.

I guess this means she and Sheffield never got together though.

Right? Her pitch was definitely the brightest spot of this installment of Dirt Bag

Fran Drescher is the cutest!  Imagine listening to a full conversation between her and Cardi and those accents!

Why is Joel Osteen in a Harry Potter movie

I believe she wrote “Party in The USA” for M. Cyrus

I have to admit, I only became familiar with her because she spent two series as a coach on The Voice UK. She actually has West End-trained pipes and did quite a bit of songwriting for labels before her own recording career took flight. She was a tough but serious coach. But yes, her romances since trying to crack

I think you might be right. Immigration detentions are administrative procedures, not criminal ones. The Supreme Court has ruled that the President and congress have a broad authority to detain non-citizens and deny them many basic rights afforded criminals during immigration proceedings due to national security

I don’t agree with the law at all, but, and I really hate to say this, based on how Congress wrote the law, how Kavanaugh is reading it is probably correct. Congress could’ve passed a law that had stipulations for the severity of the crime and how long ago it was committed, but they didn’t. Whether or not that’s

almost 15 years?...let me get out my fingers and toes. Her last album was released in 2005