Nihongo Hanashimasen.

The last 8 years of Biden’s political career was his backing a Black man and his agenda. Actions speak louder than words. Very few of the Black people I know expect a white candidate to have their best interest in mind however, they know that when Obama was down, Joe had his back 100 percent. We saw an ally walk the

Wow. I feel super lucky now. I had a C-Section last week on 6/13 and I am fortunate to navigate the stairs of my 3 story house fairly well.  I move slowly but a week out, I’ve been able to go about town, do errands, and carry my baby up and down the stairs if I need to.  

As of the Fox merger, Disney owns 60% of Hulu. Comcast owns 30%. AT&T recently sold their 10% share back and we don’t know how that’s being divided.

Stacey was interviewed and said that didn’t happen. Biden and her did meet but they never discussed running together, just talked to each other about what they were thinking of doing in 2020.

Scorpio is back on the show and Jasper Jax is coming back next month so we only have a duo of Australians at this time!!

Black Panther is already out on DVD.. like, it came out last year.. so..?  Your point about timing is just bad.


Maybe because I’m active in the LGBTQ community? Or that growing up I read a lot of yaoi? I dunno.

You are so brave! I can’t even read the descriptions of horror movies!

Oh dear. 

That’s cool!  Thanks for sharing!

How is Salman Rushdie getting invited to all of these parties? Just curious. 

I really enjoy the show. Especially this episode. I never paid much attention to Will and Jada’s life, frankly. I didn’t know he grew up in an abusive home. I’m really intrigued by how Jada presents herself. You don’t see a lot of Black women who struggle with their identity the way she has for so long and then

You do a verbal search on your Roku!? How is this magic possible?

Have you considered creating a separate profile? Right now my mom, dad, husband, and I each have our own profile. This became very important because my husband loves horror (and I’m a wimp), my mother loves crazy, dead, hooker-forensic shows, my dad loves sci-fi, and I like.. soap operas. :)

They do! I have been living for the Korean dramas and Mexican telenovelas.  You just have to know how to find it.. and once you tap in, the mighty eye of Sauron fixes on you and you get everything tossed at you.

Mariah is my patronus. I’m so happy to see her engaged and doing her thing. She’s after more #1s. 

That’s fair. I live in a place where taxis are insanely expensive and I find using public transportation in the late hours to be dangerous and unreliable. Everyone has to make a judgement about their own safety. I find Rideshares cost effective and safer to use because I don’t have to worry about figuring out how much

Criminals are gonna crimin, right?

I’m saying that Lyft has policies for female drivers that are more thorough and protective. My original statement is about supporting women who work for Lyft. In addition, unlike Uber, they don’t interfere in the arbitration of any sexual harassment policy.