Nihongo Hanashimasen.

She's come a long way from implying that her being Indian was all the diversity her show needed. Good for her. 

I thought I had a lot of words, but honestly, I’m just so happy for Andrea, the 50-11 other women who came forward, and god-only-knows how many who could have filled that empty chair.

Wow, go Jurneee!!! Happy for her.

It takes me about a month to get through a season of any given show. I suppose I’m an outlier, but I only generally watch one or two episodes of anything on TV on any given weeknight. 

Very good point.

So much this.  I just now started on JJ season 2.  

Eh, they’re spaced plenty far apart IMO, how long does it take you to watch a whole season of a Marvel Netflix show? I consider myself taking my time when I can get one wrapped up in three weekends max, I don’t consider that binging either, that’s just a few episodes a day, not even necessarily back to back.

Lefty, I put this in another thread but yeah, this is still my favorite Kingpin cover:

I think I’ll need to see more of it to make that judgement, but it does have a nice sheen to it.

Got my hopes up

Maybe, but Danny looked pretty good to me in S2?  Maybe I’m forgetting how many episodes he was incapacitated.

If you had told me, pre-Defenders, that Danny would have A. the best second season and B. I would look forward to Iron Fist s3 the most, I would have called you clinically insane.

I am really excited for Iron Fist S3 now the places they can take everything is really exciting. The fights will be much more varied (gun fu and swordplay are some of my favorite things) and most of the characters are now people I actually would like to spend time with. Also adding Misty as a defacto supporting

Larry Wilmore has been waiting for this.

GOOD. Fuck him. I cannot describe the feeling I had when I saw him being taken away in handcuffs. More importantly, watching the smile on Andrea Constand’s face after the sentencing made my heart happy. Here’s to the healing process, beautiful woman.

His defense team can kiss 100% of my black, womanly ass.

What a spectacular fall from grace. I honestly wonder what hurts more for old Bill - jail time or the destruction of his legacy?

“Mr. Cosby this has all circled back to you. The day has come, the time has come.”

Read Constance’s impact statement before you (Cosby apologists) even think of defending him.

Woohoo. I honestly thought he was going to get probation or house arrest, and I have rarely been so glad to be wrong. Hope he does the full ten, which is a life sentence at his age.