Nihongo Hanashimasen.

Horatio Sanz was born in Chile, but that is the only other instance of a Hispanic cast member.

While they definitely need more African-Americans in the cast, I agree with your implied point - why are these things always so binary in terms of black or white? Same with #oscarssowhite and so much else. Hispanics/Latinos are a larger percentage of the population than blacks, but in terms of SNL I can only think of V

I agree with everything you’ve stated but I would argue it is an EXCELLENT yogurt maker. My husband and I make a yogurt so good in our instant pot that it rivals the fancy Greek yogurt available at LA farmer’s markets. We’ve become crazy yogurt people.

The name Bowen Yang inspired me to Google this same question. (Bowen Yang is an East Asian man).


Literally ate shortribs for lunch that I made in my Instant Pot a couple days ago. They took like 75 minutes to make, start to finish. I’m sure as fuck not making short ribs the old fashioned way!

The instant pot is literally the only useful gift my mother in law has ever given me. Once she gave me Spanx, for frame of reference.


I want to start an ancestry.com type business, and all results will come back saying, “Your bloodline is nasty.”

so I unabashedly love the first Twilight movie-but for all the unintended reasons. it is a laugh RIOT to me. i saw it Tuesday the week after it came out and i distinctly remember having to cover my mouth with my coat to stifle my guffaws at the scene in Port Angeles when Edward LITERALLY GROWLS at some guys harrassing

“Bella showed up at her new school, everyone was immediately obsessed with her for no discernible reason”

LOL. Having been to Forks multiple times in my life, this was the one plot development I didn’t have issue with. There are less than 4,000 people in Forks, and there is Nothing there. Even by Olympic Peninsula

As someone who wholly enjoyed screaming with my best friend in my living room when I was 12 and during Titanic’s awards season (my poor parents), I think it probably gives off a wave of endorphins and fills the person (girl) with euphoria. It feels like laughter. It’s unbridled joy. See also: people who scream for

It depends. I feel like the Will Smith MIB movies had run their course. 3 completed his story, by taking him back to meet his dad.

Alan Tudyk has been cast as...

The Bird of Prey has Barbara Gordon as its center, but they’re going to make it without her character and futhermore they don’t have a director for a film that starts shooting in 3 1/2 months?

Now who's a powerful witch?

Honestly, I don’t understand why they haven’t already greenlit a Disney Princesses Assemble movie. It’s the only thing that people have cared about in this whole ad campaign.

I think that was also intended as fan service, seeing as how a lot of fans hated the maskIt was a good scene, though.

God I love Jessica

I am EXCITED. My hope is that a.) Bullseye is done justice and b.) They do not actually kill Kingpin in this. He’s a great villain to keep around and embrace into the other IPs I think. Here’s hoping Kingpin hires some more powered henchmen though.