Nihongo Hanashimasen.

“...The Exceptional is a Homeowners’ Association comedy.”

This could be the start of a new (D-List) celebrity trend! I mean, I’d definitely buy Sarah Palin’s tears or Barbeque Becky’s. Or Melanie Trump’s.

That article about sTeve-o was stomach churning. HOw is jackAss still a thing. Who finds this entertaining?

Who can tell? She’s like the Ocean, full of plastic and experiencing tectonic drift.

Wilmer seems to leave a path of destruction everywhere he goes, so good on him if he’s helping her but...

Polls told us we had nothing to worry about in 2016.

the one where she left it under the stove (?) and the dog comes over, sniffs, and walks away... yeah, i just might have watched a couple of episodes.

I’m a Missourian. And while I wish she were more liberal, I will hold my nose and vote for her. Considering her last opponent was Todd ‘Legitimate Rape’ Akins, she’s a good hold against anything the republicans can offer our state let alone our country. This midterm cannot be a time to sit on the benches because the

Claire McCaskill is running neck and neck in a state that Trump won by 18 points, and nonetheless decided against voting for Kavanaugh. Ladies and gentlemen, that is what political courage looks like.

Yo, I’m done lol.

I (nearly translucent, pasty-white guy) work in West Philly; technically the gentrified borderlands between “West Philly” and “University City”. I’ve been warned by the locals not to stray into the scary parts. “How do I know they’re scary?” I asked, innocently.

Chris Rock’s Good Hair documentary taught me about a million things.

As someone who, when I was a poor high school student, has lost a braid or two from not going and having it done often enough...I felt this.
I felt seen.

Fact: White people are absolutely enamored by tumbleweave.

I believe deeply my brother, that the many sad tales of lost weaves/tracks is owed to those who spent their last mite purchasing the precious collections of hair. And now, NOW, they must wait to be able to tighten up the tracks after many weeks of being blessed by the hair. So the loose hair falleth away as the chaff.

Tumble weave is what I started calling it, after I saw “Good Hair”.

P3 yous a fool! Lol.

I don’t trust it... they really want that little doll to come to life and murder everyone, don’t they?

it seems serena finds new ways to make me proud almost daily. she is such an amazing woman, and i believe, a great mother. olympia is such a cutie pie!

Is Katt ok?