Nihongo Hanashimasen.

I met him in 2017, I think (signed my Bebop DVD and everything) and he called her “the love of my life”. “Yeah, Spike and Angel got together after all.” It was really cute.

Also, iirc, Ed’s full name is Edward Hau Long Peppelu Tivrusky IV. But her real name is Francoise.

Now playing

Maddy Myers, Ethan Gach, Eric Van Allen, and Gita Jackson you all need to see Macross Plus OAVs and movies. It’s where Shinichiro Watanabe and Yoko Kanno first worked together before Cowboy Bebop and was the reason why I preordered the Cowboy Bebop DVDs at Suncoast. I remember riding my bike to buy the soundtracks to

Footnote to all this that still makes me smile: Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, who voice directed the English dub and played Julia, is honest to God in a relationship with Steve Blum these days. So somewhere in an alternate universe that is, um, this one, I think Spike and Julia are doing okay. :)

- Darker Than Black
- Witch Hunter Robin
- Serial Experiments: Lain
- Boogiepop Phantom
- Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagan
- Gunbuster/Diebuster
- Galaxy Express 999
- Legend of the Galactic Heroes
- Mushishi
- Kids on the Slope
- Vision of Escaflowne
- RahXephon
- Space Dandy
- Gundam Wing (or Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans)
- One

its crazy that now some animes get simudubbed and aired at the same time as the subbed!

Julia is an undeveloped plot device because Cowboy Bebop forgets it has an overarching plot for 4-5 episodes at a time. They’ll advance the Viscious plot and then...like...woah, check out this fridge! Ha! This dog is whacky! Sorry anyways there’s this criminal organization that has deep ties to Spike and...Ed’s having

Case closed.

I really love anime. Growing up and staying up late enough to watch it [anime] on Cartoon Network, or waking up early enough to sneak some Sailor Moon were life goals as a kid.

But I never got Cowboy Bebop. I always thought it was severely overrated.

And just now:

when did dictionarys get so sassy.. miriam webster tweeting out the definition of “canceled” yesterday surely also came rather surprisingly.

shorthand for the Latin phrase Dominus Obsequious Sororium

My worst nightmare these days is becoming notorious enough to be dragged by a dictionary on Twitter. The horror.

Both of them are my everything.


Who knew dictionary.com was such a cheeky minx.

Ambien is a helluva drug.

True fact, ambien can make you do and say weird strange things.