Nihongo Hanashimasen.

Mindy Kaling is gonna be the best middle of the aisle president and we deserve it.

I used to watch re-runs of her show when I was a kid and hanging out with my grandmother. She and the rest of the cast were so funny! I appreciate it even more as an adult, and watching her show now brings back happy memories of my grandma.

I am so here for all of the hats!

And I think this is why I have been so interested in this wedding. My previous interest in “The Royals” was basically zero, but from both over-exposure and my own interests, I now know a lot more about this couple & wedding than I ever expected. I have complicated feelings about the whole thing, especially in regard

Props to Ms. Michelle Snider for (1) exposing a hidden bigot amongst us and (2) standing up for her husband, and de facto, standing up to bigotry.

That sounds pretty amazing compared to my staff meetings.

I am black :) and I agree. The rules you’re talking about I am well aware of, and unfortunately, probably like you, I learned much more from experience than any single place.

Respect due to Tango The Dog who came across the baby, first. I hope you’re having a ball up in Heaven, Tango.

Lawwwdddddd. I can’t with these feelings.

We were all like, fuck yo’ couch, H&M! And then folks shut a few H&Ms down in South Africa, and then H&M was closing down tons of stores (while opening others) and I think Brick killed a guy.

LOL @ sale on pastels...I was initially gung-ho on the boycott...then dipped into an H&M in NYC & bought two cute tops. I was mad at myself for doing it but I also have zero restraint when it comes to sale prices. But, I put myself back on restriction, put the boycott back into play. The sad thing is, in all honesty,

The only people partying in 1776 were the British...the Patriots were getting their asses kicked. The Americans lost the battle of Quebec with the continental army getting driving back over 200 miles from Montreal to Ticonderoga. Washington’s army was forced out of New York by the British in late summer/early fall

It’s true, Brittany L. Huff may be the hero of this story.

That’s the ONLY voice appropriate for this narration.

“Your wig sho’ ugly.”

Oh gosh, I hear Eternal Source of Light Devine in the bkgd. One of my god damned favourites. That Handel, man.

and he bites his lip, twitter went bonkers this morning.