Nihongo Hanashimasen.

I’m enjoying all the comments by people who haven’t realized that this was intentional and not a photoshop touch up gone wrong.

It took me a minute and then I was like “right! they did this on purpose!!” Because that last Vanity Fair cover with Oprah and Reese Witherspoon was pretty close to this. Once I got through the uncanny valley I loved it, especially McKinnon’s leg.

Chandler and Monica’s wedding anniversary makes me feel old! I remember then they were just Friends.

Friend Cat is friend.

I... um... what?

I’m just here for the kitty photos. 

Did you know Laura went on to become an Olympics-level archer? Her husband passed away and she moved to the countryside. She was at loose ends so she just took up the sport and was fabulous at it (as you’d expect). Amazing woman.

It’s on Hulu.

General Hospital? Really? That’s fitting since this has become such a soap opera. Did he see Brenda and Sonny when he was there? I think he was disinvited after the story about the staged pictures leaked. Her dad’s side of the family seems like a mess. They all seem hellbent on embarrassing Megan and selling stories

Yes happy to hear! Just finished the All Stars season and I cringed everytime I saw that Weinstein credit. Funny, for years I never even noticed it.

I still think the first season of Project Runway is one of the best seasons of reality television ever.

Does this mean they are going to stop having 6 hour challenges to see what people can make out of 40.00 worth of Jersey?

PR needs a refresher re the design talent. It’s one a few reality shows I like. OT...there was just an earthquake and I’ve lost my train of thought....

Here’s a Vice interview with the man, Ron Stallworth behind the story.

Adam Driver is great in understated roles like this, and John David is Denzel’s son. I’m sold.

Now playing

I never understood why people liked or disliked Kristen Stewart — she just looked like a normcore grump, but that’s no reason to dislike her — but then I fell in love with her after her SNL Totinos sketch, and now I am constantly rooting for her:
