Nihongo Hanashimasen.

Hard to say that right now is a terrible time for women in music when Cardi B is taking over the scene and Beyonce just crushed Coachella. In fact, the only good I see in music today is from women (see also Janelle Monae’s album released yesterday too)

Aw I still remember him as the deputy sheriff in Veronica Mars. I was Logan 4 lyf though.

I’d vote for “Fighter”, personally. I hated her look and try-too-hard attitude for that Stripped album, but the songs were actually on point and the album holds up well to this day. “Can’t Hold Us Down” had great lyrics, and for unreleased tracks I absolutely loved “Get Mine, Get Yours”.

Black Panther is a movie. This is not a movie. This is an event that’s shown in a theater.

Shock Absorber is the only sports bra I will wear.

This probably explains why I’m on my third marriage.

Bravissimo/Pepperberry 4lyfe. Their shit (specifically the Panache porcelain line) is legit life changing. For the same re sports bras, see Shock Absorber. I’m lucky enough to live in a city with a shop!

Wait, I thought we weren’t supposed to leak the Agenda yet?!? Does this mean I can finally divulge on the plan to hoarde all of the premium beauty products and only sell “Wet ‘n Wild” to the masses?

She appears to be wearing a size 2 cup sizes to small. It’s hard to know for sure due to the “arms above head” pose, which helps hide overflow: Breasts are pulled in at the sides and stretched a little, hiding the “double boobs” and overhang under the arms that she would have with her arms relaxed.

i mean we really are the villains though. every time one of us gays gets married, the state nullifies five random straight marriage licenses. that’s the only reason we wanted gay marriage, really. 👹👹👹👹

A few years ago I was at a party and somehow the iPod stopped playing shuffle and was just going in order, so the entire Autobiography album was our background noise and I was LIVING.

Some weekends in high school it felt like the WORST to stay in on a Saturday night, but one chill night I had a gal pal over and we watched the Ashlee Simpson flub on SNL in real time. This was before social media, children! We were grateful to have someone else in the room to corroborate just what the help happened.

Also, since climate change and ecological devastation are actually threatening a substantial proportion of life on earth, it seemed a little unfair to make the bad guy some kind of environmentalist.

I don’t have much to say on this except this article links to a dirt bag from 2007 and I clicked on it and it was a fun sojourn into the past! Paris Hilton partying! Lindsay Lohan’s parents fighting! Gwen Stefani breastfeeding!

It seems to have bumped Black Panther back up in the charts! I know a bunch of people who are going to see Black Panther because they heard this is awesome and want to get caught up.

I am honestly surprised the number is that low

I’ll go ahead and be That Nerdy Person and point out that Liv Tyler played Arwen the Elven princess (or I guess 3/4 elven, or like “mostly elven but also a teeny bit human plus a dash of Maiar”), and I thought she was good? However, I HATED Miranda Otto as Eowyn the shieldmaiden of Rohan / Karl Urban’s sister, and

I listened Tori, Sarah McLachlan and Ani DiFranco back then (and a little bit of PJ), and liked them all. But Exile in Guyville will forever be my absolute favorite album ever.

Thank you Hazel! At the risk of sounding over-dramatic, I literally cannot stress the impact this record, along with releases from PJ Harvey, had on my younger, midwestern-raised self. Hanging out with the girls who drove the convertible Cabriolets but secretly wanting to tear their faces off, not to mention the

Oh god, I hate it when I agree with Wendy Williams.