Nihongo Hanashimasen.

She has def done so much and she can do so much more once she decides to hang up her racket. #GOAT

It’s so crazy to me that cities would rather pay millions of dollars to black families rather than try to prevent cops from killing them. Like, are we in some Black Mirror reality where America is deciding to pay reparations, but needs every black family to sacrifice at least one kid per paycheck?

Oh Penn, Penn. Cruise is a loon in a cult but is genuinely capable of kindness and doing nice things for people while still being a loon in a cult. What’s Penn’s excuse?

This is a coke or molly situation to be sure, but I don’t think Rihanna’s above switching it up. The chief clue we’ve been offered is that this incident is completely atypical behavior, so our mostly likely candidates are going to be least likely candidates.

Beyonce strikes me as super private and maybe not into a story about her being bitten on the face being the the media tidbit du jour.

I think Goop bit Beyonce. I’m not sure if she was there, but it seems plausible

TRUE CONFESSION: I want the Queer Eye Guys to come and make over my life. Pretty please! Even if I’m not in Georgia!

Can you believe it girls! :insert Luann gif:

My partner and I are very much split over Antoni’s cooking (I think he’s a wonderful and charming con man with some legit good tricks up his sleeve), but from my tiny queer corner of the world the Great Debate is over Jonathan. Folks either love the guy or loathe him. I was in the latter camp from the get go. By the

I’m curious how they’re going to deal with Fury and Coulson seemingly having known about CM for decades now and never mentioning it. Unless, of course, they’re Skrull who think she’s out of the picture for one reason or another...

I’m okay with Jessica Jones being nowhere near this.

I can feel the surface tension already.

Agent May totally deserves to be in this. Having said that her appearance would mean MCU acknowledging that Agents of SHIELD exists and Marvel Studios seem allergic to doing that.

I love both actresses in those roles a lot, but Ming-Na is such a perfect fit for May and is so amazing with the fight stuff.

Especially Ming-Na. Nothing against Gillan but Ming-Na is a totally different level of awesome.

It would be equally or more exciting to hear that Ming-Na and Karen Gillan were going to be in it, for sure.

Guys, you can learn and get certified for CPR in like an afternoon. Theres plenty of time after that to , I dunno, push for common sense gun laws.

Unpopular opinions:

And shockingly the family is not bitter about having their much better food ripped off and turned into a commodity by Bell. Or at least that’s what they said to Gustavo Arellano and David Chang on the Netflix series Ugly Delicious.