How does it stay that far back? Inquiring minds wanna know!
“...wig unusually disheveled, eyes shadily squinting in the wind.”
That’s because she’s so busy shooting other stuff!
I hope the series is closer to real life. I can’t wait to see it!
I can’t wait to get home tonight to watch the next Letterman Netflix episode. The one with Malala was so interesting. And I enjoyed watching Letterman in George Clooney’s parent’s house. :)
Disney WANTS to buy Fox, that merger is on hold until the current AT&T/Time Warner Merger Investigation is cleared. It’s not official yet, the fed government can still stop it.
My hope is that Serena is happy. Whether that means she gets one more Grand Slam just so she can prove to herself she’s a bad ass; or if she decides that she doesn’t need it and instead continues to make a ton of cash appearing in Beyonce videos, being a brand ambassador, and being a bad ass mom.
What concept is that?
Great show! I just watched the BBQ episode!
Thank you.
What I love is that Drew steps aside and Yoona and Henry take over! I’m so excited to see major advertising with Asian talent!
Just hearing him say ‘Crocs’ is worth the price of admission.
Wow. I loved JJ2. It was refreshing not to have a villain trying to take all of the power and run the world.
We got married in Disneyworld in February so.. A Whole New World..
Oh this is lovely! It’s got me grooving at my desk. :)
Yeah, a part of me wants to watch that but the other part of me.. just can’t right now.
You felt it was fake?
The last conversation I had about appropriation was about the Boston Museum’s Kimono exhibit. Allowing people to try on kimono was considered offensive domestically but in Japan, with a dying industry- the aim of the government (who participated in the exhibit) was to promote Japanese art and to encourage Westerners…