Nihongo Hanashimasen.

I am in no way upset or offended! You make a ton of great points. I just find that appropriation to be so nebulous a concept. I can’t agree that soul only belongs to Black America because it’s bigger than a people. When I hear Michael McDonald sing, I think ‘this white man HAS IT’ you know?

That is a statement specifically about recording those songs because Annie and Aretha have collaborated and worked together several times.

Nailed it is the public access channel version of GBBO. With that understanding, I love it so much. :)

I feel like Appropriation has to have nuance. British Soul is real and has been powerful for decades- Annie Lennox, Amy Winehouse, Duffy, Joss Stone, and Jessie J... when you HEAR them, you know it’s legit.

WARD! Oh man...I never got over what happened to him after Ward dropped them into the water...

Now the people at work think I’m crazy because I couldn’t stop giggling at my desk!!

You know, I haven’t listened to the Manson series yet... hrm...

YES! I feel the exact same way!

What has been your favorite? I listened to the whole Dead Blondes series and was simultaneously wow’d and disturbed.

OMG, thank you for that link!

That was brilliant, comprehensive, and SO TRUE!

OOOOH! I haven’t listened to that podcast in a while. Thank you for reminding me I still have a ton of episodes to listen to!

In the immortal words of Anne Shirley of Anne of Green Gables, “You are a kindred spirit!”

If you’re ever bored, feel free to hit up YouTube. I just rewatched the story of Lucky finding Elizabeth in the bushes and it’s still so powerful. Then the fact that it led Lucky to learn about his parents.. (And of some of the troublesome ways Laura used to absolve Luke...) It’s great TV.

Season 6 so perfectly showcases depression and alienation.. it’s uncanny.

Luke and Laura were thankfully never solid again after Laura finally admitted that Luke raped her. She just got married to Kevin Collins, they’re adorable and Genie Francis looks fabulous! :)

Agents of Shield is a show I never would have thought would be one of my favorites, for sure! The 4th season.. Leopold was so handsome...and broken.

OMG! I LOVED that blog!!

T.J. Hooker! Good times!