Peppermint Butler

I mostly agree with you. They shouldn't misrepresent the prizes they give or exploit their readership this way. I still think it is a first-world problem, but that doesn't mean I don't think it deserves any attention at all. And honestly, I think the phrase is over-used to the point of meaninglessness.

Since Jezebel's focus is fashion and pop-culture it can't have taken you by surprise that they write articles about 'first-world problems.'

This is true and I'm sorry we overlooked this, even as a joke.

But if you're just talking about your cats and we're not meant to extrapolate from that, what is the point of the comment to begin with?

Rage-filled pus, Mel? It's pus-filled rage. Everyone knows pus is a filling. This is why you need a writer.

Yeah, we've really hit the sweet spot now.

I agree! I've honestly contemplated approving half a dozen of the pinks on here, but I'm really conservative about that.

I like this comment very much.

I like cherry. And pecan.

That would be a great study. I think some people touched on that miles above. You could perhaps expect the women who get promoted in that environment to have developed worse leadership skills. Disfunctional and unsupportive environments breed disfunctional managers, male and female. It would be interesting to

So what did you think about the article and the study?

Why don't you try that as an experiment for the next ten or so years and then report back on your findings.

And now she's just trolling to infinity because her only line of reasoning appears to be, "My comments have no context, and I can't be held accountable for my contextless comments that don't actually mean anything if you're going to be reading them critically." It's... well, it really isn't anything but funny, now

She's absolutely immune to this line of reasoning. She insists that she was saying a thing without context and very specifically limited, even though she started and ended her comment with general statements, and even though there is no reason for the middle anecdotes unless she thought they added up to something

No realli! She was Karving her initials on the m00se with the sharpened end of an interspace t00thbrush given by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian m0vies: "The H0t Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge M0lars of Horst Nordfink".

Nilla and I were joking, but mostly because this is an article about discrimination against women in the workplace by traditionalist men and the first comment is about how much women bosses suck (paraphrasing). I mean, we can't hold that in for a minute? It has to come up even when the article is about something

Oh my god, you just blew my mind. You win. You never mentioned women once in that comment. Not even once! And you certainly didn't say they were the worst.

Yup - I love working for men, and I hate working for women. Some of the women I work for just cannot WAIT to throw other people in front of the bus at the first moment. It's as if they've had it drilled into them that the only reason they can succeed is by making everyone around them fail. The worst.

I'd like to point out, in the interest of keeping this reality based, that you are the only person around here who pointed to one gender and said that they were the worst. And yes, you did say that way up there.

She also misunderstood the subject, which makes you both misguided.