Peppermint Butler

I don’t get it. There’s no penalty for her doing her thing if she just ignores the back chat. She’s been on the internet since she was a child and doesn’t understand that? She needs the world and to be coddled too? That’s not how this works. 

Also British OK then? 

I can’t think of a take less necessary than this one

How did you even come upon this post? Were you reading everything Jez had ever published on Sarah Silverman?

Did you notice this is from January 2018? The world turns, dude. Catch up. 

Seems Che and Jost-y

Most buildings I’m aware of are locked and require keys for access. Probably even more so in San Francisco. Random non-residents are not authorized to loiter in the locked entryway.  Not worth a cop call though.

The man was inside the building. He went in when the guy opened the locked door and then wouldn’t leave. Absolutely not warranting a cop call, but also not standing in a public area.

Well, at the very least they are quite ugly. 

Foil pulls right off. It’s not even that difficult 

Foil pulls right off. It’s not even that difficult 

This is not a good gig.

No, I’m sticking with this thanks 

Can we be a little snarky if they rent out other people’s bodies for that purpose and if we blame Kanye equally?

It’s so sweet that rich people can still buy people’s bodies like that 

I can’t believe that neither this nor any of the linked articles includes pictures. Of. The. Poop. 

Why is she always fluttering her tiny hands in her face like that? I feel like it’s a signal of some kind but haven’t been able to decipher it yet

Sorry, I meant that for Sebastian Belle.  Getting out of practice at this commenting thing.

Genuinely curious: do you watch sports? 

Well, that’s a very interesting way to ease people back into the fold.

What? No. It was discrimination against some candidates in the eligible pool, but that doesn’t mean that the winning candidates were less qualified. It wasn’t affirmative action for them. It’s a problem with him, not with them.