Peppermint Butler

That’s entirely true. I still have all my stuff. I still have all the memories of the fun times playing D&D. But there’s other systems I enjoy, and other systems I’ve been meaning to get into. And having played every version of D&D thus far, I don’t have to play more, I don’t have to seek out D&D. I can choose to

“I want to believe her,”

Speaking of losers, look at the brand new account who’s only here to defend the RWA and whine about women/non-whites being added to video games.

Simply put, you are not the arbiter of what is acceptable reading material.

Are you telling me you don’t understand the class parable that is at the heart of “Steam Train, Dream Train”?

As a person who has had bedbugs twice and is extremely allergic to the bites, I concur on the evil. Straight to the Bad Place for this person.

“Your speeches were long as fuuuuuuck!”

This is unreal. Hope the movie tanks -- I won’t be giving it any money.

The object is not to win, it’s not to die or get raped. If they think you’re crazy, they leave you alone.

Bull. I am saying I had better results when I was aggressive in response to unwanted male approach. I also said I was assaulted by a neighbor, which happened twice when I was nine. Having been a victim myself, the last thing I’m going to do is blame someone for being attacked! Are you out of your mind?
I was stalked

The greatest thing will be watching his “brand”go to garbage. There have already been instances of buildings having to change the name because people don’t want to live in a Trump building. Can’t wait till he’s in jail with all of his “ best people.”

Don’t hate the player...

Clearly I missed something.  If you listen to the video the guy with the kid clearly states to the police the man tailgated behind him in a private building. Vice standing in the street. He is literally in the building videotaping it.  

Watch it again...the whole beginning of the video, he’s standing inside the building. If you want to be technical, he’s in the doorframe, but either way the door would not close and leave the building secure without him being inside the building or the door being left ajar because it’s resting against him.

Why even have doors on the building then? The dude filming is too far up his own ass to understand why he should be buzzed in and comes off as even more insufferable than the guy being filmed (who had no right to ask for his ID or real cause to dial the cops). Just shut the door and walk away. Each mind their own

I’ve have understood Mr. Cukor’s apprehension towards trespassers, given his father died to one, if it wasnt for his shit-eating grin as he makes the call.

Vincent was very good in Season 5 IMO.

Seriously. All these comments comparing the pay to that of maids/housekeeping staff. Forgetting the “lucky” employees are doing those duties, preparing gourmet meals, captaining a boat, and Managing a Business.

Maybe they should be considering the salary of a hotel manager for comparison?

Disagree. Feminism acknowledges that there are problems with capitalism. Buying space in another (much poorer) woman’s body because you have the cash is an issue that’s worth pondering.