You really need to read the article again, because you fundamentally misunderstood the subject.
You really need to read the article again, because you fundamentally misunderstood the subject.
Whoa! I didn't even see this! Awesome job, Willa!
You took an article about something else completely and used it as an excuse to offer anecdotes about how much you hate working for women. Your anecdotes are useless for the topic at hand because they have nothing to do with the topic, and they are useless on the subject of working for women because they are…
I would like to go on record voting against killing all of the anyone, and just kindly would appreciate if the people who pull this shit would cut it out.
Well, now that a man has said something I suppose I should step back and really think about what I've done here.
Don't worry, Schweeps. I won't include this outburst on your review.
I'm beginning to catch on to the problems you've been having in the workplace. You are completely misreading me if you think I'm anything but supremely amused and happy that you decided to post today.
Did I say I was offended? I'm thrilled. Tell me more about how awful women are when they have any kind of authority.
I see that now. Her writing lacks the calm authority that a man could have brought to this discussion.
Yay! The best kind of lady there is!
Redacted because: LADY! (I'm so excited right now)
See? It's just that kind of nit-picking that makes women the worst, Nilla. If we weren't such emotional vampires maybe you could have controlled yourself and appreciated the brilliance of this man's contribution and we all could have learned something from him. I suspect he has a lot to teach us lay-deez.
We've discovered we can write this shit ourselves. All lady mags are officially obsolete. Bye bye, Glamour!
Best comment ever. Congratulations, Labia!
I don't give any points for consistency when people have terrible, harmful ideas. I'm going to say that the Catholic Church still deserves every bit of the scorn and disdain it receives for the policies they pursue that are completely illogical (as pointed out in the article) and that result in the deaths of many…
No. 12: The laws prevent legal unions between vampires and werewolves (except in Massachusetts).
He's a special young man.
Yeah, I managed to write several college papers about Huckleberry Finn without those two words ever coming up adjacent to each other. It really isn't how the character is referred to in the novel or in contemporary criticism, but there's still a strong argument to be made for the freedom to use the word itself (if…
OK I see what you're saying, but think of it this way: there's this song by a country group nobody has ever heard of called "White Trash Country Boy" (Important note: I know that this is not an equivalent term, but there really isn't any equivalent term, so...).
The name of the song is two words shorter than what she tweeted. She added context, which may or may not be a big deal but is definitely more than just song title reportage.