Peppermint Butler

Where is she -in some hell that outlawed auto-tune?

Of course the article said none of these things.

No, in bad '80s rock terms, think of it as the whipped topping on the cherry pie.

Me too, and I couldn't exactly google it at work. So glad to know I was right.

I don't think anyone knows exactly what happened except that she didn't die right away, and might not have died at all if she'd received prompt medical attention.

I think they've mostly been a cautionary tale for most people. They're an example of the hell of drug addiction. I don't think anyone seriously regards them as a romantic ideal. You should rent Alex Cox's Sid & Nancy, which is a good film that presents them as pretty uniformly pathetic and sad.

How do I make sure that once my uterus is incorporated I will be acknowledged as the corporation's sole controlling interest?

Your description is amazing. I hope somebody picks this film up for distribution.

Meh, he deserved it.

11. Wash in Serenity

Heavy handed tripe like Warhorse being nominated purely due to the name attached to it.

Have you seen Beginners? It's an ok film; cute but unimpressive, except for the supporting performance by Christopher Plummer. He's amazing througout; magnetic, charming, with pathos, but not saccharine. He has never won an oscar and his character dies. I think he's a lock for the award.

I really loved it, but it's kind of a paen to film-making hidden inside a kid's adventure movie. If you love movie history you'll like the film more, but if that seems like a time-consuming digression you'll find the film less satisfying.

The training boots are amazing, but the rest of the shoes are only OK? I was hoping that every item of clothing fashionable in the capitol would be designed to make the wearer cartoonishly helpless, to contrast with the working classes in the other districts or the tributes who have to fight to survive.

I would have been much more satisfied if He-She turned out to be the arch-nemesis of hir identical twin, She-He, a super-hero who wanders the multiverse until finding love and acceptance in a suitable Grant Morrison title.

Men fall asleep after sex because most of the time it's getting a little late, and they probably would have been sleeping anyway.

It's the "Hopeless Romantic" catalogue from Victorian Trading Company.

Yeah, I think there's a subforum on reddit. It's a surprisingly touching thing to watch.

This will be a fun evening of trolling prior to a fun evening of drinking.

And this is also why rape would traditionally be treated as a property crime.