Peppermint Butler

No, the father is the caretaker of the daughter's purity until he hands her, untouched, to her husband on her wedding day. But I think you've captured a major part of the ick factor in this, and I'm sure that some of the girls being controlled in this way are also being molested.

My problem was that by my third trimester the tendons in my hips had both loosened and begun to cause me excruciating pain whenever I changed position. And I fell asleep every night after work because I was so exhausted. So I'm envious of her too.

I get a Victorian clothing catalogue filled with all of this stuff, and I look at every page every time it comes to my house. I can imagine accessorizing successfully with this stuff, but it appears that there are women who go all the way.

The safest unwanted pregnancy is not being pregnant at all. And that requires widespread availability of safe, low-cost contraceptives.

Flanagan's position makes no sense unless she's really advocating that parents hand daughters straight over to husbands with no interlude on their own in the big, bad world. That's pretty much exactly what she wants, actually, but she's too smart to just admit it. So she pulls out all of the old tropes about girls

Modern Republicans really don't know how to do anything that doesn't compound the problems that the party already has. Gingrich can't win an election. None of them can, really, but Romney is probably the best chance they have. Gingrich is just a spoiler at this point though; a weaponized garbage monster sent to

I think the problem lies more on the side of people feeling entitled to act like assholes pretty much arbitrarily, and I think it would be more effective for everyone's quality of life to redouble our efforts to shut that down.

That's awesome, but can you mock up a version with ponies instead of bears?

Bronson Canyon is infamously the home of the bat cave from the Batman TV series. So here's what the police line-up should look like.

Maybe he's choking back tears because they've given him What Color Is My World and his secret shame is being colorblind. "I don't know what color... my... world... is..."

You're absolutely right. Limiting women's access to reproductive choices would just compound the underlying problem. It wouldn't solve anything, so clearly we need to look for a solution elsewhere.

Gendercide is a problem that exists entirely within the rubric of rampant societal misogyny. You don't deal with ingrained misogyny by taking away womens' bodily autonomy. So no, you probably won't get many feminists to seriously consider limiting choice for these reasons.

Why did they illustrate their poster with a picture of Hank Azaria?

I'm having trouble imagining what partying with Sandusky's lawyer would entail, beyond standing awkwardly waiting for his too-young wife to serve cocktails. I mean, what else? Lawn darts?

Mindy, I read your book on Kindle. Do you get residuals from that in cash, or does Amazon just issue you a gift certificate?

And poppers in the punch for that extra fizzy kick.

I like to gather together the home-baked cookies of others and then pretend that I made them myself.

I fail to understand how being absolutely uninspired is a viable commercial decision for a major fashion magazine.

According to the TV, in the future it's all spandex and corsets and only Scotty has a problem with that. Maybe when you become part of the Borg collective they provide social support for weight maintenance?

Does the issue take place entirely in the '50s? Why is she styled like that? Is Vogue trying to become Redbook? Maybe they'll give me a good recipe for Christmas cookies, too!