Peppermint Butler

Researchers have discovered that women not afflicted with baby voice are largely unselfconscious about the way they speak, and so 'vocal fry' has been identified to alleviate this problem.

If you reach way back you could have twins names Louis and Lestat.

Welcome to first grade... Renesmee. Renesmee? Well, since there are already three other Renesmees in this class maybe you go by a nickname? No? Great. Just go sit between Jacob R. and Bella L. and we'll figure this out later.

If this was a Best/Worst/What The Hell Was That list we could also include Malpertuis, still the primary source of buh? in my life, years after my first viewing.

Xanadu was the impetus I needed to announce to my mother that I intended to be a professional roller skater when I grew up; a goal I took very so seriously that I continued to wear headbands and leg warmers long after the other children had abandoned them for cut up sweatshirts and lace gloves.

The whole series is full of sickness and dysfunction, and the worst part is how transparently it's intended to sell teen girls on traditional sex roles. It makes my skin crawl, which is why I only made it through the first book.

I only read the first and then I quit. I win!

And having your daughter's lifetime commitment to a man who can barely control huge and violent mood swings arranged pretty much at birth. So many healthy messages in that franchise.

Oh, I can't wait. We're finally getting to the part where Stephenie Meyer tries to scare teen girls off sex forever by simultaneously grossing them out, guilting them out, and making them disgusted and fearful at the damage they believe normal sex will inflict on their bodies and psyches. Thanks, sparklevampires!

One would hope. At the very least you have Republicans holding transparently hypocritical positions on issues of personal liberty and autonomy.

I love my Keurig, but I've had it a couple of years and I'm afraid it's slowing down a little. I have to run water through it to warm it up, which is cutting into the time I saved brewing a pot.


I would be in support of making this about privacy rather than choice. Clearly, the ability to control your body involves both pretty intensely, but it should be easy to make the case that medical decisions need to be private in order to help individuals avoid becoming slaves to the state. Doesn't that seem like a