Jamychal Rapaport

Nah, Clarkson is in the wrong here.

“My brother lasts way longer than 5/7 minutes!”

“That’s a cool trick, Anna. But let me show you how to make a first round pick disappear.” -Vlade Divac

The most disturbing thing about this is he thinks the creation of Adam and Eve were “the beginning of time.”

It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize he wasn’t growing out of that dude’s shoulder in the top picture.

Its two different articles combined into one

does this post actually make no sense to anyone else?

Air BNB.

Clay Travis is the guy who parks too far away from the gas pump so no one can pull behind OR next to him.

Clay Travis looks like the guy who showers at the gym but doesn’t dry off until he walks all the way back to his locker.

This is really going to complicate his supreme court confirmation hearing in 2052.


That’s an awful lot of words just to say “Here’s some pictures that you can use as backgrounds”

That’s what kills me about people writing “articles” like this. What business is it of theirs how much someone chooses to give away, or who they give it to? No one made Bezos give that money away, so no matter if it was $1 or $2,000,000,000, it’s up to him to decide if and how he wants to use his money.

I don’t condone greed, but I also am not one who thinks it’s my job to tell Jeff Bezos what to do with his money. 

Kudos to Nike for bringing John Brennan and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad together, I guess.

The biggest source in the White House is John Barron, we all know that. He is incapable of keeping his mouth shut unless it directly is about him (stormy Daniels, all hush hush. Israeli intelligence, “let me tell you about our intel! We’ve got the best intel!”

I was really into your rage until YUM! Center.