Jamychal Rapaport

That’s nothing. One time, after a night of particularly heavy drinking, I managed to vomit everywhere in my bathroom without so much as a drop making it into the toilet.

Now that’s just disre2pectful.

If only there was a way to walk a player you’re too scared to face without hitting them....if only...

Suspending Ureña isn’t enough for something this egregious. Baseball should really come down hard on the Marlins for this - for punishment they should put someone like Derek Jeter in charge of the team.

How dare you be good at what you’re supposed to be good at. I must stop you any way I can.

I can’t wait tilde next time they meet

I’m consistently pissed off that they don’t get real billionaires to play Bruce Wayne.

I’m pissed because I found out that Ben Kingsley is playing Adolf Eichmann. He’s not even a real Nazi!

I am a veteran of the US Armed forces (US Army). I swore an oath to defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. I personally would never sit or kneel during the National Anthem but that is my choice based on my personal feelings. I do however, fully support the right of any American citizen

Already done:

Getting old sucks

I believe her. 

Surprised he didn’t get away with it. Judging by the picture at the top, he serves as his own look-out.

Official Statement from NASCAR:

Speaking from personal experience, he'll probably end up fired at the end of the year.

That is a good and great baseball man right there. 

MLB deleted the tweet when thousands of angry fans wrote in to tell them that Spider-Man is not Japanese.

It's funny because the average American can’t tell teams from the AL West apart.

Marvin the Martian not being at least in the top five is a crime against humanity, and I demand a swift and savage retribution against those responsible.