Did anyone else vote for MTV just because of Teen Wolf? Just me? Okay. *slinks off to hide in shame beneath a pile of flannel shirts*
I was just coming here to say that! And also to ask what the hell MEGHAN MCCAIN was doing at Reed. Seriously? Why?
Jack of All Trades and Cleopatra 2525! Those were AMAZING! Terrible, but AMAZING!
I'm sorry you're having trouble finding awesome ladies to date! Bi women would have been my recommendation, too — I'm bi, and I've dated several trans* and genderqueer people. I'd still say that people who identify as bi or queer will be your best bet, dating-wise, and I'd also second the recommendations for OKCupid.
I've never found Lena Dunham super funny, but that quote! Hilarious!
I met my boyfriend on a Birthright Israel trip. Their criteria is that you have to be at least 1/4 Jewish — so, at least one grandparent. Basically, if you're Jewish enough for Hitler to kill, you're Jewish enough for Israel! Aaaaaand this is why I am going to hell.
GCB was CANCELED? But WHY? It was so charming!
"My protagonist has hair the colour of, "a mop on the brink of retirement" so she's clearly white,"
Oh man, that is HILARIOUS. I love toddler logic.
Oh, man, the backstory! I'm really glad they included that, not just because we finally got to learn how the whole Olivia/President thing started, but because the thing where they just STARE into each other's eyes for a minute, because they can't have anything else? Unexpectedly effective. And the First Lady's fake…
Can we just have a thread here to talk about how AMAZING Scandal is? Favorite scenes/reveals/lines, etc.
Oh my god, can I move there? That sounds fantastic!
What's the logic behind that? Perhaps Top Girl‘s world is logical in its own illogic, like Dadaism. I take a break from the game to put a quarter in the "You're Being Pretentious" Jar, then try to find myself a boyfriend.
I kind of love that it's like every other comment. Jezzies Lost and Delirious rewatch night, anyone?
Does anyone else remember Jessica Pare from Lost and Delirious? God, that movie was so good. Also, is it just me, or is Piper Perabo in a disproportionate number of lesbian films? Not that I am complaining. Kiss ALL the ladies, Piper Perabo!
Do you mean anarchy? The Hunger Games is pretty much the definition of a dystopia, actually.
This is my new favorite thread on Jezebel. Other people watched Cleopatra 2525? I THOUGHT I WAS ALONE, FOR ALL THESE YEARS!