This this a thousand times this.
This this a thousand times this.
Another great touch was something that actually wasn’t there: Fury Road doesn’t end with another character talking about Max as a mythical figure like Road Warrior and Thunderdome do, helping to underscore the point that it wasn’t even his story we were watching.
It really is disgusting how Republicans exploited Charlton Heston (and now Clint Eastwood) when he was clearly incredibly senile.
I like it. Though you might want to trade one of those for a Sarah if you want to fulfill the whole perpetuating the species thing.
Oh god, why did you have to remind me of the existence of that show?
Crazy frizzy curls like that would probably be impossible, but other people have posted pictures of Merida dolls with much curlier hair than the one in the article.
A lot of the horrible social problems of this country are propagated by people who aren't acting out of malice, but are just out to make a quick buck and either aren't aware or don't care about the consequences of their actions. But that shouldn't excuse them from the damage they do.
Well, I've gained a whole new level of respect for Mark Wahlberg's professionalism.
I just realized the male spacesuits from Prometheus accentuate their boobs more than the female ones. That has to be a sci-fi first.
Those were about board games, but they were based on children's books. Then the board games were defictionalized.
If only the makers of Battleship had learned from Clue and made it into a ridiculously fun camp-fest, the movie might have been worth watching.
You didn't before?
I guess they're going for the old school Fleischer look.
Maybe a Power Girl boob window, but star-shaped.
For many of them, the answer is, sadly, no. This sort of curriculum isn't just about teaching kids the wrong information; it's about making sure they never even develop the critical thinking skills necessary to question these teachings and recognize this bullshit for what it is.
If I were an insect, it would be pretty terrifying. But seeing as how I'm a human, it's pretty freaking adorable.
"He manipulates situations. He's incarcerated when Kirk is talking to him and yet he still gets Kirk to do his work for him."
Darkly funny would work well for Iron Man.
Everyone knows Q is one of the three most alien letters in the alphabet, along with X and Z.
Either? If you're dealing with a character who's truly all-powerful, then it's going to kill the drama of your story, regardless of whether or not it's a hero or villain.