HarlequiN QB

The plot is an irrelevance at best, and a minor irritation at worst (“Stop talking Samuel, I must murder more demon spawn!”). You should play the first one first purely to play it, because it is glorious. It’s like the Mad Max Fury Road of videogames with it’s all adrenaline, all the time attitude.

“Basically, when people are around others who speak their native language or with their native accent, their own speech tends to follow. Conversely, when around people who don’t speak that way, many people tend to subconsciously alter their speech, losing some of their accent, idioms, etc.”

This is very true. My

I love so many movie posters. So, so many, a lot of them in this very discussion.

For me though, I have always loved this teaser for Last Crusade. I cannot explain how excited seeing this on the wall of the theatre foyer made me back in the day.

Close second is the Back to The Future series (because the posters are

I believe it’s the end of book 2, though they’ve shuffled quite a few things around a bit.

Something not stacking up to Raiders isn’t an awful thing - there’s not a lot of films that do (this may have been your point, to be fair).

Now compare Rocketeer to other Pulp films of the era, and it looks pretty incredible next to The Shadow or the The Phantom (both of which I found fairly enjoyable at the time).


And Dredd uses his name to round out the word Hundred.

I’m really impressed they managed to find multiple clips of people ‘havering’.

This is anything but a cash grab - the first movie didn’t make enough money to make any potential sequel a cash grab. I fully believe him at his word here - someone had an idea they all liked and said “hey, we should do another!”

If this gets made, it will, as he says, purely because the original made just enough to

There’s a very easy way to defeat guardians (The larger ones anyway, the smaller ones are less predictable), at least 1 on 1.

Y’know, I would agree, except for Tin-Tin. I know that film gets some stick, and some find the CG creepy, but it’s chock full of that magic that Crystal Skull lacked. Generally Speilberg really did mature, and his films reflect that, but for me Tin-Tin is joyous escapism from beginning to end.

Hah, two of those Agents of Mayhem paintings were done by me (I am the Welsh artist mentioned in the dialogue. The painting came first, and the writer liked it enough to add a comment to it later). I have no excuse for the hand being more detailed than the face really, except nobody pointed it out until now, so it

Wasn’t Badger almost the name they gave Wolverine when they were first developing him? If so, this seems even more apt.

It has almost no connection to the wider world of the Netflix shows as best I can tell, ther than one character you already know (other than Frank), and one you don’t but might end up popping up elsewhere.

Just watch it though - it’s really bloody good (though the first episode drops a bit of a clanger, it gets better

I’ve not seen one either, but he’s at least lost a lot of weight, thus no longer having Dad-Bod - unless they have him in a girdle under the makeup ;)

Harbor’s probably a safe shot though - he went all Chris Pratt after that for his role in Hellboy. He would not be even close to consideration for the term Dad Bod now.

Pirahna II is only his on a technicality - he barely worked on it, despite the directing credit.


A) Scott Pilgrim isn’t about video games either, it simply uses a lot of the iconography (there are a couple of scenes where videogames are played, but you could just as easily call it a ‘band movie’, because there are band battles and such).
B) It is also a comic book adaptation.

Personally, I am fine with

Yeah, I don’t really see it either- I was just thinking of who would be most likely to be cast around the time the books came out, and it’s totally Julia Roberts.

Who should it have been? Not sure - I could see Bridget Fonda, maybe Diane Lane, possibly Michelle Pfeiffer? I dunno.

Dance would certainly work as Thrawn,

Yeah, that’s the fella. I know Devito is all wrong for it, but so is Roberts for Jade - that’s 90s casting for you ;)

This is fantastic. Tempted to half steal the idea and do one for Heir to the Empire.