You’ve not driven in Europe, have you? Not oncoming traffic so much as a wall on the left, and a hedge on the right. Not so much now, but in the 1940's much of Europe was still using horses to some degree.
You’ve not driven in Europe, have you? Not oncoming traffic so much as a wall on the left, and a hedge on the right. Not so much now, but in the 1940's much of Europe was still using horses to some degree.
I would think propane tanks have similar issues - they also degrade over time, are suseptable to rust and so on. The result of getting a bad one would potentially be fatal, so work out how gas stations deal with that existing problem, and you can extrapolate from there.
The game begins with a Terraformer being damaged and the resulting weather changes driving the populace underground, as well as facilitating the Bug invasion that frames the majority of the game.
The final act has you repair the Terraformer to destroy the Bugs with the repair tool you’ve had since forever. So why…
You could go ahead and put it back in. Guerrilla didn’t come close to expectations in terms of sales, which in turn led to Armageddon (which was called something else at the time) having some pretty heavy time constraints put on it’s development (I forget exactly how long, but it was considerably shorter, and the…
You can unsee it by squinting a little, if that helps any.
Hah, I own this comic 😀. Well, technically I guess my brother does as I left it with him when I moved to the States. It was probably given out at E3 here, but back in the UK I think I got it at some gaming expo at Earl’s Court. CGE or EGC or some such.
I gave up rage a fairly short way into the game, but I’m loving Doom so far. It is, when in combat, non stop shooting, but I would hesitate to call it mindless, as they’re is a surprising amount of strategy involved - you just have to reach those strategic decisions very very quickly.
I’ve only got one or two sets of puzzles that I felt were abtruse in the long run. Many seem so when you encounter them, but knowledge gained elsewhere, or just stepping away from them usually result in them making more sense later (and there’s very little linear progression - almost always somewhere else to go).
You mean the ones where there are two songs playing at once? Just wait until you can hear the songs separately (or close to separately), and then only worry about the one with the correct number of notes. My issue with that was that the first one sounded completely unlike all the other songs preceding it, so at first…
Just because it wasn’t fixed, doesn’t mean QA didn’t find it. Just as likely it was flagged as a bug and some overworked developer said ‘yeah, that’s really not important in the grand scheme of things.’ The developer would be right - doesn’t break the game, takes a lot of effort to get to, and most people won’t find…
I don’t think the question was “Which faction is the most exciting?” The Minutemen are basically nice people trying to get on with shit, which makes them objectively the best, but also the least fun.
My (now) wife kicked my ass in Quake 3 several times before we ever met. That’s really all you need to know. :)
I just thought it was trying, but there we go ;)
Not off, just dropped to a very low MIP if I’m any judge.
As I understand it, they took that down from Vimeo too, so, yeah.
Well, it didn’t have as far to fly to reach Russia I guess, so less call for size ;) (that said, it did bombing runs in the Falklands, from it’s base in the UK, so it had/s plenty of range).
Vulcans are pretty big in person, just not near as huge as the B-52.
I can’t get your link to work, but I assume you’re talking about the pencil nose version (AEw3 according to Wikipedia), because yeah, that sucker was ugly. The other versions though, well, they were chunky, but not unattractive.
It’s not too late if it’s something you want to do. Art (most kinds) is something you can fit into your free time, and you don’t have to be the world’s greatest for it to be enjoyable, or even profitable. Plus, in this age of the internet its relatively easy to find like minds, mentors, and honest encouragement (of…
I know someone who’s favourite Pixar flick is Cars 2. I try not to judge, but it’s hard. Cars on the other hand is great, and actually the most appropriate Pixar movie for young kids, there’s about zero violence (except for the cheat in the races), one mildly stressful scene (It’s Frank!), and all the innuendo is…