HarlequiN QB

Learned something! Thanks :)

Enver Gjokaj might stand a chance. He’s been hanging out with Agent Carter though.

Not sure you’re allowed to complain about movie physics any more, until you have a basic grasp of the real thing ;-)

He most certainly does. I don’t think there’s yet been an MCU movie without at least one of the male leads stripped to the waist (not counting Hulk, because that’s sort of a given).

No more than X customers is a pretty common sign on small convenience stores in the UK, for two main reasons. 1) They’re really really small, and more than a handful of people can cause it to get a bit chaotic. 2) if that occurs it’s very easy for someone to just pocket something and leave, and sadly that happens

I've worked on a game with penis physics (the junk was mosaiced out, but you could still see the sway and flop). Really not sure off hand how it was done, as there wasn't really a penis there (turn off the mosaic and you had a ken doll). Probably some kind of bone though, because of course. I think it had to be

It is indeed. Not sure it's magic though, more that the daleks were cutting corners on their armor to save money for their new Levitation devices. Or something...

Bit hyperbolic, wouldn't you say?

Looks like he starts from a photo, and then paints over it, really rather well indeed.

Show me ONE fossil, ANWHERE in the world that is a "miss", a creature in between two creatures as it evolved? Doesn't exist.

Well shit, I guess I finally need to buy a new gen console now. Didn't think it would be because of Little Big Planet, but there you go.

Given that Doom 3 was a reboot I'm not sure that it doesn't mean another reboot can't also be Doom 4. As to why people are calling it Doom 4, well, because calling it Doom doesn't clarify that it's the 4th game of the name, rather than the first, that they're talking about (similar confusion can arise with film

I'm guessing you never played Elite: Frontier? Similar idea, and plenty of variety. In truth though you'd be unlikely to visit just random systems (unless you were mining), because most of them are unpopulated, barely populated, or uninhabitable. The actual "play" area of interest was only a few thousand systems

Yeah, those 2 stud ball and sockets are pretty good - though you have to reinforce the connections. They're readily available in the Lego Mixels line.

Partly right. THQs Jason Rubin was responsible for seeing the DLC and wondering why it wasn't being used as part of Saints 4. So Dominatrix's super power plot was merged with the actual SR4's presidential plot, a ton of missions added, and a whole load of additional art, music, side activities, cutscenes,

No, I'm just using it hypothetically. If there were one if certainly watch it though (despite knowing the spoilers), unless they pulled a Dresden files and completely buggered it up. :)

I dislike Martin's writing style. Y'know, when he does? Doesn't mean I don't like the tales he's weaved, just that I'd rather see them than read about his food fixation.

Neither box trailer flexing or the suspension has anything to do with the renderer; both would be physics simulation or animation (though I admit it does reduce the believability of what is rendered).

Especially odd since Spock traditionally has an olive complexion.
