HarlequiN QB

Yes there is - if you have the right accent Smaug is the way to write it the way it's pronounced. If your accent doesn't allow for AU as anything but O then I can see it could be tricky to arrive at the pronunciation in your head used in the film though.

Why would you ever get upset that the correct pronunciation of Smaug isn't Smog? I mean I can see it as a difference in accent (such as daug/dawg vs dog), so maybe that's why. Generally though I don't go around insisting that southern Americans "Just say fucking Dog, arseholes." because that's how they speak, it

How do you know he doesn't?

Did you not play SR4 then?

I've been very thankful to this feature for a long time - makes me very happy that I've not had to think about my y-axis (on one stem anyway) for a few years.

Switching between the 4 camera distances. The best thing, there's also a seemingly dedicated cinematic camera button, that does nothing else. Because a cinematic camera you almost never use is so much more important than the map, of course.

Switching between the 4 camera distances. The best thing, there's also a seemingly dedicated cinematic camera button, that does nothing else. Because a cinematic camera you almost never use is so much more important than the map, of course.

Switching between the 4 camera distances. The best thing, there's also a seemingly dedicated cinematic camera button, that does nothing else. Because a cinematic camera you almost never use is so much more important than the map, of course.

Because Nope. I thought that would have been clear from his review...

"Same Exact Cars..."

Every returning vehicle from The Third has been tweaked, many heavily so (like the new Bootlegger) as has every rim, paint option, customization camera and gang paint job. Every vehicle returning from Saint's 1 and 2 has had major rework done as the engine has changed so much since the original

Yeah, it's pretty cool :) Sad though - the room is gorgeous, but the library closed, so I don't think it's possible to visit it any more.

No, not sure which library that was. The one used in Who was closed down shortly before they filmed it - very convenient for them as they could modify it to their needs. So that gorgeous room is sitting there, either empty and derelict, or bought by some company and not accessible by the public. Sad :(

Funny, the Doctor Who library was my college library (this is college rather than university -different things in the UK). Specifically the rotunda, though the book stack corridors were shot there as well.

there are two small arrows like >> next to the main one to move you forward on the road. Click those.

Yes, Quantum Conundrum was just drowning in photo-real visuals.

You're welcome. I agree by the way, Laura Bailey is really good (and exceptionally funny).

Jennifer Hale isn't in SR3. You may be thinking of Laura Bailey, who has a very similar delivery, or Tara Plat, who plays the Russian voice (which is actually voice #2).

The clip, out of context, isn't funny. It's the payoff for the rest of the episode, and only really works as such. (I felt the same way until I actually watched it - Each episode gets funnier as it goes along, and things are paid off. And the entire series sort of does this, there are parts in the later episodes of

Who doesn't return until November, and then only for one special. You could use this to fill the time...

It has Rob Hubbard? SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!

No Galway thought... Shut up and take slightly less of my money ;)