I see what you did there. Nice touch.
I see what you did there. Nice touch.
So all those not-equals are equal. :)
That was Pi Day, not Pie Day. One follows the strict rules of mathematics, the other is the day after Easter and follows the vagaries of that unspecific date.
Almost 30 years out of the loop apparently; Technic's been around since 1984, with the pieces available even before that under a different name.
So is Toy Story, and the Incredibles, and Labyrinth, and (according to Lucas) Star Wars, and Doctor Who and Wallace and Gromit and Babe and The Iron Giant and Chicken Run and Hugo and Aladdin and Shrek and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and Rango and Kung Fu Panda and the original Spy Kids and so on and so on…
With the exception of 1, 8, 9, 10 and 11 these appear to the doctor's as they appeared in their opening credit sequences - Davidson's face was made of stars.
No Lethal Weapon in your holiday lineup?
Speaking of piss, I almost did. Well played sir.
Love that ship.
Carol is indeed getting better, and there's also Maggie, who is pretty awesome (Pretty, and awesome), also level headed and works well with others and sucks it up when the chips are down - what else do you need for a woman to count as "strong" in your book?
Can't agree with you there Frank, Trek'd been doing fan service of this type for years before T'pol turned up. Seven of Nine and Deanna Troi spent at least a season each in jumpsuits at least as skimpy as this (Skimpier in Troi's case at times, note her Encounter at Farpoint 'uniform'). Enterprise had many issues…
As it goes there used to be a series of video games touted as being holographic. They were using a variation of this technique. It really does work surprisingly well.
Jalopnik even has a customary GIF for all Florida related hijinks...
I'm with you. It seems unfair to make a film that is expected to leave you thinking after you leave the theatre when none of the "experts" depicted in the film do any thinking themselves.
I can't agree. I just watched the whole bunch with my Son about a month or so ago, and while Jedi and Star Wars are certainly helped by a dab of nostalgia, Empire is just out and out spectacular. The plot is a fabulous twisty beast with well thought out character development, excellent (and predominantly logical) …
Well, the government might be a right old load of stick in the muds, but the dreamers can dream as well as anyone.
I would rather have seen him as the Lone Ranger himself, with an actual Native American as Tonto, but knowing Depp's history he probably requested the role of Tonto as being more interesting.
Oh, you weren't the only one, and it was highlighted to an amazing degree when rather than just shooting the German fellow (while holding him at Tesla-point) they tried to hit him over the head with a plank and then punched him unconscious, because concussion and a broken nose is *soooo much better than a nice doze…
Looks like Stuart Freeborn with big ears, which doesn't surprise me as Yoda was modeled by Freeborn (his original sculptor) based on himself, with a little bit of Einstein thrown in. But now I'm forced to wonder; did the sculptor work from photos of Freeborn, or literally just make Yoda fleshy. It's very well done…