In terms of plot, characters, setting, themes and so on there is no connection.
In terms of plot, characters, setting, themes and so on there is no connection.
A bit yeah. Guinness was known as being able to completely alter his personality and general look (as in the Ladykillers image posted by Chewgumma), with relatively minor makeup; to the extent that in Kind Hearts and Coronets he played the majority of the members of a particular family (including a woman) - A bit…
Well, this saddens me greatly. It wasn't the best movie ever made, not even the best this year, but it was a good solid action move and a nice throwback to some 80's action flicks (With a nice dose of 80's John Carpenter style in there too - I could see this being a Carpenter movie). What irritates me most is this…
Yes, they did. A strange alien cube appearing just at the Ponds that turns out to be compacted alien poo would have worked just fine ;)
I really disliked this episode (with three caveats: the Kate reveal - called it, Brian, and it's only been an hour). I get that the story wasn't the point of the episode, but the cubes were such a fascinating concept that I really wish that *was the point. I mean it was so wasted, and so hand waved away at the end…
No mention of The Ballad of Halo Jones (specifically book 3, though the war is background in the first 2)? Fantastic stuff, and has always been memorable to me for the fighting on a super gravity planet where the time is warped to the extent that a subjectively 20 minute battle can take a week or more in "real-time",…
Yeah, it's less the quantity and more the quality of what's destroyed. and that in each instance the destruction is very much a deliberate choice by one of the characters rather than just some random car smashed in a random chase... Oh, and there was a bicycle destroyed too. ;)
Yeah, but think of the dollars they lost out on through advertising when they actually made it to the moon. Who wouldn't want "Official insurers of the Apollo 11 Astronauts" as a slogan on TV after that - the customers would come rolling in ;)
My apologies, the sarcasm totally went over my head :) But yeah, those do appear to be the numbers. I would have compared casualties in each endeavor too, but the thought depressed me far to much.
It cost 100 Billion USD, including everything back to Project Mercury back in 1957. That put a lot of men into space, developed a lot of technologies we're either still using or were what we're using was derived from, and put two men on the moon for ~21 hours, also paving the way for future missions where lots of…
You could trust him, he knew what he was doing.
And that's when he makes another 7 of them, each storing a charge that can be let of separately or in sync for the mother of all haymakers. Harry's arsenal build along with his skill, by the end of the book before last he's a walking one man army of magical awesome.
Hardly a spoiler, he just mentions it in passing early in one of the books and from then on it's just a thing that he has. A spoiler would be mentioning what's in my reply to my own post.
"I got Jewed"
Except this isn't a remake any more than Batman Begins was a remake of the '89 Batman :/
Yeah, I realized that likelihood too late (it's in my reply to my reply). I've yet to see the show, so it's not the first thing I think of. :)
I hate to be pedantic, but the official line on Doctor Who canon is that there is no canon. Pretty much everything is fair game, except Enid Blyton's Noddy, but I forget why that's the exception. Presumably it has to be officially sanctioned by the BBC though, but there again, maybe not.