HarlequiN QB

I can assure you that artists help each other all the time. Showing processes, techniques, conferences where things are discussed, you tube channels that are nothing but how-too’s, time-lapses and discussions of mood, style and theory.

Neither Does McD’s, a fair percentage of the time...

That’s how I read it too.  I’m curious how he ended up back in the airport community after leaving it previously.

So, you’re saying that Just Like That, he was gone?

I just realized who’s famous for saying that, making it particularly apropos.

Damn, I need to watch this again - thanks for reminding me how great it is :)

You are not alone. I hate them too, but weirdly, this style has been proven to result in more clicks than more tasteful and pleasant looking ones (like, a LOT more clicks).
I actually put off looking at Corridor Crew’s stuff for a long time (along with many other excellent youtubers), because the preview image made

You’d think that it would also be to retain existing customers though, right? So, if a show like the OA has 6 million viewers (I obviously don’t know the actual numbers), and you cancel it, so 10% of them leave your service in a huff, that’s a potentially large loss for the company. Though in all likelihood most fans

Yeah, I see that now.  My memory’s not as good as it once was (and I just read the comic again last year - so pretty sad that I forgot!).  Thanks for clarifying though :)

Yeah, I was wrong (not about Nostalgia being in the comic, just as to what it was). This is not a new occurrence :)

Yeah, you’re right - I’m flat out wrong. I remembered it being a thing, but not exactly what it was. I went back and looked, and it’s even what Laurie hurls across the surface of Mars after her conversation with Manhattan. Weird that Trieu would name her drug the same as the former perfume, but there it is I guess.

Nostalgia appeared on billboards in the original comics (though it was never clear what it actually was), it was definitely a Veidt product - likely Trieu got it when she bought the company out.

This is one of the reasons I still love the film, when I was younger it came across as a grade A ‘Boys Own Adventure’ type movie. But its got layers, and hiding under the relatively light hearted surface with its charismatic over cool and macho leads is a deeply dark and mean film about man’s inhumanity against man.

They can order from Domino’s, just not via the web - they’d have to use a phone, which is an inherently non visual medium, and still works just fine.

Isn’t the name for the history and rules of a given franchise just ‘canon’?

anybody can make that”

Once again, we’re excited to see your prototype.

The look of Sonic in the movie has little to do with the talent of the artists who worked on it, and more to do with the choices made by the director. They don’t just give the director a Sonic and say “This is what you’re getting.” and the director says “Oh, OK, yeah, cool.” There are concepts, the director picks a

Yeah, probably - they likely need something fixed to lock the camera tracking to, and the ocean has a habit of moving around. An alternative question would be “Why not fake the sea as well?” For which I don’t have a good answer, since CG’s been doing convincing bodies of water for a while.

There is a mars rover tucked away in a remote corner of RF:G’s map as it goes.

He does indeed. I sort of lost interest after these, but this post has reminded me I need to go back and add about another 50 characters.

PANTONE: the game - I really should pick that up :)

Reminds me of this thing I was mucking about with a few years back, only more Scott Park, and, y’know, better?