HarlequiN QB

Not TARDIS' (TARDISI?), just regular call boxes of the classic red type. The TARDIS is a police call box, which are practically non existant these days, regular red ones (and sometimes black or cream) are still quite prevalent though, despite being phased out 20 odd years ago.

I started tearing up just reading it, and I must have seen the film 20 times (My son is kinda fond of it). Damn, damn, damn good film. If you ever get a chance to see it in a cinema jump at it - went with my Son last year and it was phenomenal.

I get amazed looks on occasion when I say Arse (I'm British, live in the States), apparently it's far filthier than Ass, even though in the UK they'd be entirely interchangeable (if you were riffing on an American movie quote for example).

Doctor who doesn't have a Canon.. Well, it does, insomuch that it's canon is that it hasn't got a canon. No, really, go look it up. If it had one before it hasn't had one since 2005 (and nobody bothered making one before) - it's officially "anything goes".

Oh my god, you're right, it's almost like it was written by a bunch of 11 year olds or something!

Really? It's like three paragraphs long...

Except it would be 'All Hail Triceratops', for Torosaurus would be the name to die, being the more recent name for the (alleged) single genera. Not sure why this isn't mentioned in the article, but it's good because Triceratops sounds bad-ass, while Torosaurus sounds like a geometric construct.

Wrong on both counts, but you'd be amazed at what "fanny" means :D

Hay won't save you from a 70ft fall either. Thankfully it's a game, and not reality ;)

Sadly they probably will be. I don't take the "Over half the tickets were sold for 3D" thing seriously until I see how many screens were 3D compared to 2D though. at the theater I went to, which usually has about a 50/50 split there were 2 showings in 2D all day, with something like 8 in 3D. If that's pretty global

Hmmm... I missed the shooting challenge (and I'm a terrible photographer anyway), but I did used to have a couple of PS actions for sort of faking it that I made after seeing the Aviator (one for 3 colour, one for 2 colour). It wasn't perfect, but I think closer than most of these.

I agree - I've seen the trailer, but I can appreciate this being exceptionally annoying for those who are choosing to abstain.

I'm with you - ouch :/

You seem to have missed the part where the survey was in the UK - the UK games ratings are legally enforcable - sell a game to a person younger than the rating of the game and there's at least a fine involved.

You really think he'd want to leave Epic?

Polygons are very cheap in memory cost, but may turn out to be much more expensive in rendering cost, depending on the expense of the shaders and which platform it's running on. One thing that would massively aid in performance is that all the shaders are only calling two small texture maps. Each call to a texture

Incidentally, the artist works for Epic, so his reasons for doing this might be no more than "I wonder if I can?" rather than doing it toward any specific purpose. The answer is clearly that he can indeed.

You're right, there is more than one texture - there are two, plus a reflection map and any glare effect textures. However there are only those two initial textures mapped onto the geometry.

Way better than biting Bender's metal ass...

Why because she's a girl? Or because she's pretty?