This god-awful man is the perfect face of the REPUBLICAN Party: delusional, regressive, bigoted, and ignorant.
This god-awful man is the perfect face of the REPUBLICAN Party: delusional, regressive, bigoted, and ignorant.
I buy new and used books from - Advanced Book Exchange - and have done so for probably going on 15 years. I often pay more in postage than I do for the book and they are fully reliable.
One of many fun things that may be experienced with older people... and thanks for saying so.
I don’t know how these assholes can even sleep at night, living as they do in penultimate hypocrisy.
I always looked forward to that one grandmother and her family who so well expressed their joy! Thanks for a great perspective, Michael.
The utter madness of the Republican Party and the failure of the Democrats to listen and embrace regular Americans has led us to the current Racist-in-Chief and his insanity. Just remember, should North Korea continue to bait and troll this orange mess in the White House, REPUBLICANS sat by and did NOTHING.
Because he is a tiny weird man in a chair.
I remember buying what was supposed to be two phones. They were strung together with a string and did not work. However, the fun of waiting for their arrival was worth it.
For some chuckles and a trip back to punk early 80s San Francisco, check out “Whatever Happened to Susan Jane?” by Marc Huestis. He used old black and white educational films and then located the now-grown up people in the films in the punked San Francisco of the early 80s. This film is a delight!
I rinse my beans and then bring them to a boil, reducing to a simmer for about 5-6 minutes. Then, they are placed in a crockpot and slow cooked for about 1.5-2 hours or so. They are ready when my taste buds say so - and they are always yummy.
Thanks, Damon, for sharing this touching and beautiful moment! #BlackGirlMagic INDEED
Reading the first paragraph - if it is properly written and edited - should provide a cognitive map of the material. Reading the first and last sentence of each paragraph will flesh out the material. Reading the last paragraph will provide a summary to cap the map. Of course, one can always schedule reading time a bit…
I grew up around fundicostals, who judge and criticize people 24/7/365. If one is poor, their worldview is that person has brought it on themselves, despite that the lack of access, equality/equity, and opportunities. They lack compassion, insight, and refuse to embrace science or the facts. They use the bajillions…
I’d love to say Texas Republicans are hypocrites, but that’s just a redundancy.
No, thanks. I’ll continue to shop at Safeway and Mollie Stone’s... Whole Foods now owned by Amazon sounds like a monopoly to me. Besides, there’s always - every item is $3 (that’s the entire purchase price, including taxes) and they have a huge organic selection.
I dry off on the bath mat and then drape it over the tub’s edge to dry.
Those who don’t bend, break. Those who refuse to change, die.
One can always buy a now quite affordable external hard drive, label it, and designate it as a personal backup cloud. That way, relying on a cloud service and paying an additional monthly fee doesn’t occur.
I started using 1Password ages ago, back when I used a Mac. I’ve continued with it on Windows, from 8 to 10, and also use it on my Android phone and tablet. It is well designed, easy to use, syncs across platforms, and provides more than one way to store the keychain. Still a big fan!