It’s not a decision freely made.
It’s not a decision freely made.
Tobacco companies are trying to manipulate you into think it’s your “moral decision or taste” to pay them to kill you, ya tool.
I’ve been saving my leftover coffee for years now. I must be up to a dozen six gallon carboys of the stuff. If only I could only process all the coffee I would otherwise pour out.
Of course the goal both of society and of individuals is to reduce suffering and increase flourishing, both one’s own and that of those around us. But there are certain parameters of the reality we live in that we just can’t change. To work towards that goal effectively, you can’t live in denial of that reality.
This sounds like the direct ancestor of the “God has a plan” platitude, which is both a pretty damning indictment of God, and completely insensitive to people who are suffering.
As a straight white man in his 30's and in good health, even I know telling people they’re supposed to struggle is just bad optics.
You magnificent bastard, take your star, but feel ashamed! ;)
Somewhere in alabama roy moore both messed his pants AND declared this video some sort of commie, illegal immigrant witchcraft.
If this was the smoking gun for bringing down any other administration, that corrupt administration would be gone. Nixon was nailed with obstruction of justice with a barely audible “uh-huh” on a tape, and here this collection of Russian asskissers has fact after fact come out and they’re still not going down in…
Next year when this starts fucking people over does Trump lose some of his base?
Pretty much this. Also, this bill is great for the rich white people who are Trump supporters - like, say, my father and his wife *headdesk* - so they aren’t going to give a shit. The ones who are going to be hit hard financially and through the lack of a decent safety net? It will be blamed on Schumer or Pelosi or…
Thank you for saying “because they made up stories.” You’re exactly right.
The Mueller criminal investigation is not going anywhere. None of those rich White men will ever see a day of jail. This Congress will never impeach Trump. I’m more worried about 2020 when White people go back and vote for the orange monster again.
Absolutely not. For one it will take longer than a year for it to kill the. Most likely. Just like with Bush running the country the economy will tank just before a Dem gets in office and they’ll have to clean up the mess.
“I didn’t think the face-eating-wolves party would eat MY face!” or something.
Next year when this starts fucking people over does Trump lose some of his base? Optimistic me wants to say yes, but optimistic me hasn’t been right about a lot.
The enfranchisement of thousands of felons in Alabama could swing the state’s crucial Senate election Dec. 12 in…
Bitcoin isn’t real?
That's some impressive information, but I think you have the wrong idea here. This article isn't fighting a battle. Just like a bat maker isn't trying to win a baseball game. This is merely knowledge that people may use if they so choose :)