
I chose not to install and would disable FB Messenger on my phone for years. It’s a resource hog and I never wanted to be THAT involved with messaging. As of today, I deactivated my FB account. I downloaded my FB archives and was blown away with how much personalized detail FB has - AND HAS USED - about me. As far as

Tobacco got where it did today by lying about their product, as it was known generations ago that tobacco could kill and cause disease. Something this harmful should not be so readily available.

Studies have shown for years that people will simply revise their cigarette smoking (or other tobacco) habits to keep their nicotine habit satisfied. I do not trust any of our federal agencies to have the best interests of the American people in mind, given the duplicitous nature of Trump’s appointees.

I have lived with chronic and often severe pain since 1997. The challenge, for me, is honoring all the many reasons for which I am happy and for which I am grateful to have this life. I fully appreciate your response, as there can be days when I want to run away and hide. Having said that, the biggest obstacle is

Counting calories expands one’s awareness of the nutritional content of food, as to what kind of calories one is ingesting. As a part of a lifestyle change to eat more healthfully (usually meaning less total calories), it is a valid tool for healthy weight loss.

I came to this conclusion in the early 70s when I moved from my home state of Alabama... now, they want to replicate their version of the Confederacy on the rest of the country. HELLA no!

I propose that what we need more than meditation are moments of groundedness and centeredness. While many people get that from meditating, for others meditation is too “woo-woo” and creates avoidance to actually meditating. If we break down the aspects of meditation that offer more immediate benefits, like calmness

Largely it is the aging of the wood. However, a talented musician will keep their instrument well tuned.

Isn’t the term “predatory capitalism” redundant... ?

Not at all and how lovely to hear you all have a positive experience. For so many others, however, the stories you read about happen and there are more that are untold as to family gatherings around major holidays. As for me, I’ve learned to enjoy some of these holidays as a play and relaxation day, stress-free.

Amen, Sister Kirsch, amen.

Brilliant, Michael - thank you.

I concur. I learned as a clinical RN to get things done with bits and pieces of time, usually periods ranging from a couple of minutes to five or ten minutes.

I clean-as-I-go, so my surfaces are always clear and clean. One of the things I have always encouraged others is to set a timer - as Jaime Green’s article recommends - for five minutes for a task that is avoided or less desirable. Usually, when five minutes is up, most people will continue or be amazed at how much

My solution has been to change my perspective on chores, remaking them into personal health maintenance actions and tasks, as well as physical activity that enhances my health and fitness. I clean when cleaning is needed, I declutter when the need arises (less and less these days, after adopting a

Yes, they should block his ability to launch nuclear weapons. No POTUS should have the authority to obliterate life and sow mass destruction with these horrific weapons.

“Ghetto”? Did you really need to use a racist term to describe biz cards that are affordable?

I have used Ubuntu for years. It is a robust and supported OS with a very large and supportive community of developers and users.

Thanks for sharing your post and the video!

Awesome article and great strategies for dealing with time changes. I have trouble sleeping and feel a bit like a scatter-brained zombie for a few weeks twice a year when we change our clocks. Thanks.