James Watches

LMAO you replied to like 5 of my comments now and I didn’t read a single one because you’re a racist piece of garbage.


Must suck to be a racist piece of shit that no one will hire ever again.

Jussie just mad no one was talking about him.

Just when you think Juicy has hit rock bottom, he goes and does this.  What an absolute idiot.

popsicle space mummy

It’s a bullshit scenario from start to finish, but the kid did actually just totally blow off jury duty. He woke up two hours late, Googled what would happen to him for not showing up, couldn’t find anything, said fuck it and went to his job without contacting the court at all. Three weeks later the cops showed up

Just another fake hate crime like the bulk of the nonsense the Root reports on.

I think giving Chicago the finger wasnt such a good idea for Jussie, small window bro, you can still be that tough gay kid and own up to your life changing mistake, it might help, and might not, but you’re young, you dont want to be your generations O.J. lol.

When you watch the GMA interview, looking back on everything we know now, it’s obvious the creep is obsessed with being the victim of a hate crime... He says things like, “I will always be that person” “i will never not be that person” “I am forever that person”... He is an evil man, karma is real.

Yeah. The felonies and fake hate crime, the national media spectacle, and fake terrorist letter he sent himself is totally no big deal at all.

What a little bitch ass. 

It is still whataboutism, that is what the term is about

so he just sat in his house with the noose on so the officers could see it? or did he put it back on? either way this dude is clownshoes and i feel really bad for all the supporters that stuck their neck out and made hashtags for this fuckery. shit was completely unnecessary on his part and doubling down on the

I called it the day this happened, and got trashed by all of the Root Resident Racist Idiots! Which is ironic, because statistically they are far less tolerant towards the LGBT community!

Triggered snowflake found.

Not a single person defending Jussie, on the root? I’m shocked. There is always a few diehards 

I’m still waiting for the FBI to do their freaken job. I don’t understand why nothing has come of that letter. This isn’t just mail fraud. He faked a terroristic attack.

If trouble is going to rain down it’s from using the USPS to send the letter. The Postal Service falls under the US Congress, key approvers of all Federal laws. Mail fraud is serious business, particularly if it’s an attempt at extortion.

Posted this on the Jezebel article and it’s still blowing my mind. He’s still wearing the noose. Just....I mean.....I can’t. Let’s say it all happened like he said (I don’t believe it), who keeps the noose on???! I’m actually asking? Thought about it some more and I know people deal with deeply emotional situations